Well, I finally got around to taking pictures and posting my self-MOC. So a little back story.
Years after the shattering, Fa-Matoran (and other Matoran) made their own tribes on Spherus Magna and new Toa eventually emerged, though still no Toa of Magnetism had yet risen.
OculusNuva was a Fa-Matoran with a rare disease that effected the organic muscles on his body, causing him endless chronic pain. The condition eventually evolved to giving him difficulty walking and standing up, so he would rarely do so.
A day came when a Toa of fire came to the Fa-Matoran village, and requested that Oculus was to be brought to him. Oculus, leaning into his cane and aided by a friend, was brought to the Toa and given a Toa stone.
When activated, the Toa stone transformed Oculus into the first Toa of Magnetism to walk Spherus Magna, but it did not cure him of his condition. His size and mass greatly grew to the size of a Toa, and so did his pain.
He dropped to his arms and knees and saw his old black Huna he wore on the ground before him.
The Toa of fire gave Oculus a Kanohi, but not his Huna, but a golden Great Pakari. When he placed the mask on Oculus’ face it instantly activated and gave him strength, so much so, that he could stand, without pain. The Kanohi would always be set to a low level as he wore it and it allowed him to function and do his duty without hindrance. He had become a Toa of Magnetism.
So here are the pictures of the MOC, I apologize for bad quality, tremors and odd lighting don’t help at all. =P
Toa of Magnetism and Sarcasm:
Obligatory back shot:
He wears metal attachments to his boots so he can manipulate them to fly with Magnetism:
His blade of awesomeness, he can throw it and make it return with Magnetism like Axonn’s protosteel Axe:
Another weapon of his, it’s not used much at all, he mostly prefers his sword:
On his travels, he salvaged a very large mace-head from the ruins of the Iron tribe village. He now uses it to throw at his enemies and uses magnetism to return it to him.
A shot of his gold Great Pakari:
All of his equipment and his Great golden Pakari:
Hope you guys like it, I am pretty proud of it and I think it represents me pretty well.
Thanks for reading!