RWBY: The Rift (Topic)

OOC: at the same time he does have one in the rift.

OOC: Yeah, but the Rift was crazy.

OOC: my badā€¦

OOC: his hatred for Flare isnā€™t targeting Flare as Terin doesnā€™t know what Keeony has turned into so as to ensure she attracts minimal attention-in my book, that was a fail by having her be a Hummingbird Faunus and have fire abilities (I forget what her Semblance is apart from touching someone and temporarily being able to use their Semblance)-and the hatred towards Lance is less than it was as he is starting to remember becoming at peace-more or less-with Lanceā€™s sacrifice(?) and while on the topic of hating characters, Spade is very high on Terinā€™s to kill, if not beat them within an inch of their life list. If you pull out a plot twist that says that Alice is in that robot body then I really think you should see a doctor about it, itā€™s kinda scary with how you make characters that can be pretty frightening when you want them to be.

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OOC You guys didnā€™t let Soshi fight Spadeā€¦ That kind of broke the moment, to be honest here.

OOC: Why is being a hummingbird faunus and having fire abilities a fail? And thatā€™s assuming she turned into anything at all.

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OOC: shugs

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OOC: how do you attract a lot of attention? Fireā€™s a good way to do that and hummingbirds? I did a project on them and Holy Crap!!! do they have an insane metabolic rate. Even if that wasnā€™t a factor there is still her Fire colored wings and Grimm armor she has and just the wings alone would be hard to miss. I have a feeling that sheā€™s able to do something to make her less conspicuous in a crowd but the thing is that this makes no sense: if I wanted to hide in a world and hunt for a certain group, Iā€™d pick a form that wonā€™t stick out like a sore thumb; just another face in the crowd and would be nothing special on the surface nor would I want to have something obvious like Grimm armor-seriously, who in the show does that?-and when I have my plan in motion and at a perfect 100% chance of victory then I would reveal the villain to the world. Basically, take Palpatine from Star Wars as an example of a sneaky villain in the story; we as the audience know that he and Sidious are one and the same but in the story, few knew that and Palpatine used that to his ultimate advantage.

OOC: You can be discreet with fire abilities. Case and point: Kota. Another case and point: Zuko and Iroh passed themselves off as refugees. Some animal traits donā€™t have to carry over to a faunus. Iā€™d argue that a hummingbirdā€™s wings would be easier to fold under clothing than another birdā€™s wings. The armor depends, 'cause itā€™s kinda hard to make Grimm armor when Grimm armor is a bunch of white plates and spikes. I imagine just white armor with red markings, which doesnā€™t seem so out of place to me. If anything, I think a replica of Grimm armor (since Grimm body parts canā€™t be used as trophies for huntsmen who hunt for sport) is a cool idea, similar to wearing an animalā€™s hide.

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OOC: And there goes my argument. Why canā€™t I win at these nerd fights? Because I donā€™t think through enough to keep a strong argument. Look guys, I just want to say that I donā€™t fully understand why King_Ved made the choices he did in Flareā€™s design but honestly, thatā€™s his choice. Night everyone!

OOC: I mean, Iā€™m assuming here. My argument isnā€™t based on Vedā€™s intentions, but I can see how it can work. Flare seems like a pretty plausible character to me.

OOC Can I have input on character designs?
Wings = Looks cool. Fits her name.
Grimm Armor = Show that Ideruba made her body in a way. May show the negative emotions she may have. Shadow does say she is trying to destroy the world.

OOC: yeah, Iā€™m calling BS on shadowā€™s claim.

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OOC I do as well. That is merely just my input.

OOC: yeah, 1. Thereā€™s nothing to back his claim, 2. If she wanted us to stay there whyā€™d she help us escape?

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OOC Maybe the rift is controlling him? If so, can Ideruba join him? /s

Iris finishes, and looks to Kota for more.

OOC Might as well wrap up Hebi.
Hebi finishes his food and starts to clean the plate

Toko shifts back into a cat, and runs off to resume play.

Hebi picks up Tokoā€™s plate and cleans it. He puts the plates away and goes to grab Toko ā€œIt is bedtime. Lets go.ā€