Salvation: Part II

“You have no idea how many times I had that thought occur.” Epsilon said, “the problem is that I would either have to sacrifice my turret mode or have to undergo a procedure to have more than one alt mode and those don’t come cheap and I’m not exactly swimming in Shanix.” He pointed out respectfully.

He begins heading to the park he found the secret room in.

“If we are attacked like this, we will probably lose due to our enemies having the high ground, superior firepower and greater numbers; as Terrans would say, we’ll be fish in a barrel.” Zepar said.

“I have,” Greasemonkey confirms. “Though I was under the impression that Sprocket and miss Wildsong were having difficulties in getting it to work.”

“Time may not have been particularly kind to this facility,” Corona says, “but I’ve learned not to underestimate the technology of our first Golden Age.”

“Sooo we’re heavily-armed fish in an armed and defensible barrel,” Thrift oh-so-eloquently sums up. “Throw in the best warship made by man and a certain lovable rogue-”

He points a thumb at himself.

"-and I’d give ourselves a more positive estimation of our odds.

Topside nods.

“Yeah, Forcep’s not too big on mods, unfortunately,” he says. “Can’t say I blame him.”

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“A swarm of Scraplets can drive back even the mightiest of Titans.” Zepar warned, “But, any help would be greatly appreciated.”

He looks out the window, trying to take his mind off of his fears.

“Yeah.” Epsilon said, “Let’s just hope that room has some clues regarding who the spy is or we may be in a whole ton of trouble.”

"well, evidently they fixed it. During the Jellyfish attack, it activated and created Dues here from junk in the room. If you want the full story, you’ll have to find a Miss Daria, she was there. She’s also assisting me in caring for him. That’s her rifle in Dues’s back.

“It’s startin to not feel so good.”

Thrift nods his head confidently.

Corona rises to her feet.

“Certainly,” she replies to Zepar. “Tell your communications officer to have the people I’ve named meet in the center of town. There, I can begin to provide those answers I’ve been promising.”

All seemed tranquil out in the night. The stars shine brightly through the clouds as the varicolored fissures of Omega cast their light upward into black the sky.

“Yeah,” Sprocket agrees, wincing. “It feels like a hive of scraplets are nibbling on me right now. Grommet’s gonna let us have it with 'I told you so’s, but staying here much longer-… well, there’s a difference between being daring and being a lunatic.”

Greasemonkey looks at Deus’ shoulder.

“Oh! So it is,” he observes, recognizing the gun. “Fascinating.”

“We’ve been in a ton of trouble this whole d*mn voyage,” Topside sardonically remarks as he keeps pace with Epsilon. Many an engineer is quick to step out of the way of the captain, and by proxy, Epsilon.

SideStep nodded, and began to swim back up.

Zepar contacts Broadband and relays Corona’s message to her.

“You know what I meant.” Epsilon said as they neared the park.

“Yeah. Well, we’ll leave you alone.”

“And what drives you?”

“Oh,” Blight responded. “Do you… kind of like it? Being on your own, no one telling you what to do? It certainly has a load of freedoms with it.”

“it has some nice things, but I missed having someone to just talk to. Well, I used to.” and she gave him an odd smile.

Blight returns the smile, scratching the back of his neck. “Well, I’m happy to help!”

Sprocket follows. The journey hadn’t been in vain; SideStep would find that another decent fraction of his memory core had been repaired, and some more of the damage done to his body by rust had been reversed. Sprocket, too, had gathered a fair amount of data on cybermatter from that brief excursion.

“Got it!” Broadband responds.

“You suck at this game…” Salvo could be heard saying to her."

“I’m not playing the quiet game anymore, Salvo; I’m answering the Call to Adventure! …And distributing it at the same time, funnily enough!”

Greasemonkey nods.

“Very well, sir,” he says.

The two would reach the park soon enough, which was now guarded by security officers of both factions.

“The same as what drives you, I suspect,” says Bludgeon. “The salvation of Primus and our people.”

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“To be honest, I don’t even know how much I care of Primus at this point.”

“You already have.” She says.

“Right, Come on Deus” He says.

“Oh?” Bludgeon reacts, raising and eyebrow behind his mask.

“And yet, I am the villain of this story? With the Omega Lock I will nurse Primus back to health and lead our people into a new golden age- I will reforge our civilization to meet the potential we have for so long squandered; what would you do with such power?”

Deus waves goodbye to the old cyborg as he turns to follow Gatecrasher.

Gatecrasher decides to take a look at the large statues.

“The same.”

Epsilon steps up to them, “I’d like to show the captain what was found here.” He said.

Zepar looks at Corona, “I have something to ask of you.” He said.