
Lol, in middle school I dyed a part of my hair purple and it was against the dress code but nobody said anything about it haha

Were the kids that year not passing their reading classes? :stuck_out_tongue:

How does that work? There’s bound to be non-students who walk in without hats (and students who walk in with them).

My school bans hats except on certain spirit days. If I could, I’d wear a stocking cap on a daily basis.

My school banned the non-shady students from wearing hats/beanies because they wanted to keep “gang violence” to a minimum.


Yes, because wearing a hat to keep warm or shield the sun’s harmful rays definitely implies your a gangsta. /s


My school had a no hat rule. Kinda glad for it because on the days we were allowed to wear hats i got ridiculed for my choice of hat T_T

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We aren’t allowed to have hats or exposed shoulders. Other than that, my school’s dress code isn’t very strict, and they’re usually subtle about it when they call someone up to the office.

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About hats, we can’t wear hats unless we have a reason to.
Like, that time this March when I hit my head off the diving board in gym.
I didn’t think anyone wanted to see the staples, so I wore my fedora.


What are spirit days?

I think that’s basically a pep rally, all day, sort of thing.
I’ve heard I have them next year.

Spirit days are days that people dress a certain way to show school spirit. For instance, we often have days when we wear the school colors.


Stuff like Wear Red Monday if you’re this grade

Yeah, my school just has no hats or shoulders, and you’re given an oversized ■■■■■ if you break the dress code

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My school bans shirts with gang symbols or weapons on them, other than that it’s fine.

Ooh, I wonder what would happen if I wore a Clone Wars ■■■■■…


Eh, probably nothing. I got away with wearing a ■■■■■ with bomber planes on it. The school is pretty relaxed about it.


Might as well get it for that fedora.

He would be proud.


I actually really want that now, come to think of it.
Plus he’s pretty much my favorite TV director.
I’d probably get ISS for that.

It’s just a ■■■■■ with a cartoon wolf. Why would you get ISS for that?

It’s a joke about my strict dress code.
And I was including the fedora.