
It is in most places, I think. Especially between (oh I’m gonna get shot for this) social classes.

Oh, whoops.
That wasn’t what I meant to type.

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I live in Idaho, one of our major cities has one of the highest domestic crime rates in the country, However we also tend to have issues with “Middle school Gangsters” and the like (also high school gangsta’s) A lot of kids who think they are “cool” and all that.


Oh, ok.

We also seem to have a bunch of druggies…but yah know…

Ah yes, back to school. shudders Brings me back to 5th grade when my best friend decided he hated me for no reason and kept picking on me. I had no upper body strength (I still don’t, really :stuck_out_tongue: ), so it’s not like I could’ve hit him back even if I wanted to, but once he tried to suffocate me with his arm and I saw an opportunity.

I bit him.

We both got in trouble.

We’re still friends somehow. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Bullying used to be a problem for me.

That is, until I realized all those kids who wanted to bully me where losers, so I pretty much ignored what they said and didn’t take the bait.

All I have to worry about now is those crazy bullies who have the guts to try and actually attack you physically. But those are scarce.


Apparently I’m gonna start school again on the 30th this month. And it’s gonna be superfun since I have to wake up very early the first Day.

At least it’s only gonna be one lecture so I finish quite early, which means I can spend the rest of the day hunting down college books at libraries. Boy it’s gonna be though…

Aren’t you supposed buy your own books?

You technically are, but they’re expensive as heck so any alternative means possible are usually advised.

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Not if you have resources and know the right websites.

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Basically this. If I can save some money by either renting them from libraries or purchasing second hand, I will do so. Money is not exactly an issue, but I want to have some cash to spend on other things and not just college books.

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You might be. I’ve got lots of friends complaining about how school’s ending in a week, it’s the end of summer, the end of freedom, all that. I’m just sitting here like “I want to go back to school”. :stuck_out_tongue:


The only reason I want to go to school is so I can grow up and get the heck outta this state. THIS is Pennsylvania between Philly and Pittsburgh where I live.

And this is just down the street from me.

This house has no running water!
######They use an outhouse


This is why I like not living in that area…


Yeah. Not sure what disturbs me more, that they use “Redneck Food” as a selling point or that it apparently works!

And I don’t know who’s idea it was to put “Family Fun” with “Redneck”. Gives a much more disgusting connotation. :scream:



That sounds awful to me.


Huh. I thought that was allowed. I see it tons of times on the boards.

They also have 7 cats wandering around. The coincidences could be revolting.

I used to live in PA but I had none of your problems because I was in media.

I’ve met real rednecks. They ain’t bad when you get used to them.

(Though they aren’t the most polite folk ever)

My school starts this monday.

I’m going to start senior year in new state after being cyber schooled for 4 years.

This’ll be “fun”.


But does the same apply to their food?

What does that mean?

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