Spacial Reality: Secrets of the Universe

John began sharpening his toothbrush on the concrete wall.

The entry reads


Where do i begin? Ok, this girl is friggin awesome. Funny, brave, can be a bit cruel too. Definitely gonna try to be good friends with her (a few paragraphs later)

Wow, i just realized. Shes the first person ive talked to in this group. she thinks of me as a person, not a monster like everyone else does. We talked a bit, exchanged some jokes and now im here laying in bed, bored as heck. Guess ill get some sleep

The next page is from the prison, theres a few bloody tear stains (because he cries blood) I wanted to protect her, i did everything i could, and yet i was to weak to. Having pieces of your girlfriend thrown at you through a jail cell is not something anyone should have to go through. If your reading this sara, im so so sorry. I know what its like, i tried to prevent that

“Thats not even all of it”

OOC: Get to the part about John. He’s what’s important.


Ooc- Bailey has a entry for everyone in the group :stuck_out_tongue:

Ic- “I dont know if i should say why my grandpa was called a monster. But just know that it makes this much more sad”

John pulled out a spoon,“No, I’ll be out before I could finish the tunnel.”

OOC: whats he say about Ace?

Ooc- havent fulley fleshed it out but its something around the lines of


HERETIC, im kidding.

Pretty nice guy, if you follow his relegion, if not, hes meh. I talk with him sometimes, pretty fun

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“DMN that’s some deep sht” pauses “I need a drink and to shoot something.” Walking into his ship returning with a case and a bottle of scotch. “Hey maddie?” He called

“Well duty calls” ran over to Alex

the twins follow, quite curious.

“Thers more too” Bailey continues reading “Oh dang, thats the icing on the cake.” Bailey seems a bit shocked yet very curious “so um…apparently he didnt really care if she loved him. He literally wrote down as long as shes safe and happy im fine. Hold on i wanna read the first journal” Bailey starts to read the journal “Oh no…”

John took another sip of prison wine, before granting a toast to a non present individual,“To the Pointlessness of everything, and to the morons who try to understand it.”

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Alex opens the case pulling out 10 paintball riffles that look exactly like real guns “okay teams: me and Maddie, you and them” pointing to ace, Alice and bailey

Bailey seems horrified, there was a secret not no one had read before, it revealed bailey was already immortal before the curse, and that his body was in a constant state of decay yet rapid healing. “He wanted to make the world a better place at the cost of his sanity and health…” Bailey hears teams and sees the paintball guns “Huh?”

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“uh, i do’t like fighting. our father said it was wrong.” said Alice.

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“Man. Prison is boring.”

Alexander looks at ace and Alice “from what I’ve heard your ‘father’ was quite the fighter who believed murder was right” he paused “but that’s coming from my granddad and he’s crazy.”

Bailey puts his journal up and picks up a paintball gun “Im in.”

John sat and stared at the wall, rethinking everything.

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“that was also a thousand years ago.”

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“I know right” a gruff but familiar voice replies

“Okay 2 against 1 then” he shoots bailey “run you have a thirty second head start 30…29…28…” he looks at ace “people never change, my grandfather still regrets not taking that opportunity with…” He stops “you don’t need to know.”