Spacial Reality: Secrets of the Universe

“That was cass, not me” He shrugged

Cass sees him and his eys light up as he hugs him “Teri- Zablex!

Zablex gets the wind knocked out of him. “Long time no see, Cass.” He says with a smile.

“Crap sakes…Where the hell is Mercy when yea need her…” she groans. “Might aswell tell me now so I know and can try to pull this off Cass.”

Three was hanging around in space doing stuff,

OOC: Eh, I’m going finish up the roleplays I’m currently in.

Cass thinks “all right…whoever loses has to say the most disturbing thing they can- true or false- without telling us which one it is

Bailey looked like he didnt care if he lost and chuckles “Alright.”

“Ah ok. We’ll that’s not half bad.” She sighs a bit in relief. “D*mn it Winston!” Sapphire groans as she dies from it and quickly the round ended. “Agh no… ok you win Bailey.” She face palms herself a bit

Bailey had actually lost, not by much though “um…nah, appears not”

ooc- Prepare for stuff to get a bit dark XD

“I guess we both have to say it or Cass decides.” She laughs and looks over at them

Bailey shrugs “who goes first?”

you decide…

Bailey glances at Sapphire and is smirking, indicating he was gonna scare the hell out of Cass “who goes first?”

“How about you?” She shrugs.

“alright” he takes a deep breath “Cass, I used to have a sister…when we were kids, I uh…went swimming in a lake with her. We had got into a argument and…” He seemed sincere about what he spoke

amd what…” Cass sounded horrified

“I put emphasis on the word “used”…”

He feels like he has a lightsaber just barely not touching him. It was actually just Zablex glaring at him if this wasn’t a joke, murdering family is not a joking matter to him. At all.

Ooc- i never said that he was joking. Hes half lying

Ic- Bailey looked at him “What?”

She crosses her arms and listens, a little bit frighten. “And…what?”

An arrowgun appears in his right hand, “Do I need to remind you that murdering people is strongly frowned upon by nearly all societies?” He asks in a deathly calm tone.

“I yelled at her, and made her get out of the lake and go back home…Well, you ever got out of a tub and your feet are wet and slipped? I slipped backwards, she fell in the lake and…yeah…”

@BlackBeltGamer98 “Do i need to remind you i used to do it for a job?” Bailey fired back, he seemed calm yet angry “Did you think i wanted to kill my whole life? No. No i did not”

OOC: Says the Cop killer


Zablex takes a deep breath. “I understand you were an assassin, but that is a topic for much later, when we are both able to have a calm discussion about your choice in careers and how I don’t agree with it.” He says.


For the record, they used lethal force first.

OOC: They weren’t the ones who attacked first, that was on your guys. They tried other routes and you fought them at all levels.

“Which is why i left.” He sighed a bit “I was d*mn good at my job, though…im happy i only took out the baddies too. So theres that”