Spacial Reality: Secrets of the Universe

The Scuttlers still alive ran into the woods, their sounds fading. The colony unpacks faster, a warning for Marka to move, or be crushed by the new colony.

The Manam load Marius into the ship and tell Marka to meet them at the Empress.

The object lands 50 yards in front of Bailey(@BrokenAxels)

“What the f*ck”

It is a space ship on it’s side.

Celica hid behind him

Fighting can be heard from the inside of the ship.

“stay here ok? i gotta take care of this”

She nods

A door on the bottom of the ship opens and a mech runs out with another mech chasing after it.

He reached into his sleeve to pull out a arrow, but it was empty from the fight with allison “Dangit, the one time the plot doesnt refill my ammo” he muttered and pulled out his sword

then he sees the mech “WHAT THE HELL” He grabs cecila and gets out of their path

Masdor follows suite slightly behind them, he pulls out his bow.

The mech chasing after the other one tackles the other mech then holds it up and shoots it with flames.

OOC: be back in 1hour 30minutes.

“huh. Titanfall 2. i like that game.”


“remember. the thing you played?”

She nods

“thats a game”

“It didn’t look like this…”

“no, but the giant robot, it looks like off of one of my games. thats why i said it”
