Spacial Reality: Secrets of the Universe

OOC: other people tried breaking in and stealing stuff. Besides, they did enter her house and blow stuff up.

IC: “Uh huh.”

OOC: Fair point but she is being given the chance to verify her suspicions; she’d have to be pretty off her rocker to not give it a shot. She has control of the situation here.

IC: Zablex stays still, his wounds healed. “Do we have an agreement?” He asks.

Sar had been letting Zablex do the talking, not wanting to dig himself a deeper hole.

OOC: What what you do if you found two strangers in your home blowing stuff up?

OOC: Similar to her but when given the chance I would inspect them whilst making sure they don’t try any funny business. And I’d ask what was their reasoning for their actions. At this point, she has been given every reason to follow their request as they haven’t deviated from their story and are willingly allowing themselves to be inspected.

OOC: That’s what she’s doing.

OOC: at this point, I’d keep the shotgun on them and go ahead and inspect them.

IC: “Ma’am, do we have an agreement? You are the one in control here and are being given the highest chance of benefiting in this scenario: we all win if we have nothing of yours and you are the only one who wins if we have anything of yours on us.” Zablex tells her calmly. He is still being truthful.

“You try any funny business, then I stick a bullet in your brain.”

“Deal.” Zablex says. They can’t go back now. They will keep their word and allow her to inspect them fully.

She slowly walked up to the two and jabbed Zablax in the back with her shotgun,“Empty your pockets.”

Zablex emptied all of his pockets. The contents were only his communicator and his journal. He pulls his pockets’ interior out to show they were empty.

“What else you got?”

“My gauntlets and my stone pendant are all I have on me right now.” He says truthfully.

“What do they do?”

“The gauntlets can ■■■■■ into a variety of weapons however they are currently locked in their current form so they don’t accidentally cause a mess.” He says, “You may pull back my coat sleeves to inspect them if you wish.” He then answers her second question, “My pendant is only that: a pendant; no tricks and the only enchantments on it are to give it a metallic lister and one that ensures it never wears down or breaks.” He informs her. No lie was told.

“Uh huh.” She replied as she cautiously pulled back his sleaves.

True to his word, his hands and forearms were encased in armor that seemed to glow with a subtle, pale blue aura. At the back of the hand was the Nobody Emblem. They didn’t react to her revealing them.

“Why is it glowing?”

“Enchantments on them allow for their shapeshifting abilities as well as being able to channel elemental energy and spells to enhance them. They also are to increase durability, resist most elemental damage and for aesthetics.” He answers, the aesthetics part was a bit of a joke to help lighten the mood.

“■■■■■■■■■■? ■■■■■■■■■■ into what?”