Star Wars Rebels Discussion (Season 3 Spoilers!)

Yoda: Struggles to lift an X-Wing
Starkiller: Pulls down an ISD without breaking a sweat


Theyā€™re saving it for a better moment than thatā€¦ so just think how awesome THAT one will be.


Thatā€¦gave me chills. I literally FELT the dark side all over Ezra as he was doing that.

Dare I say it, but Rebels is definitely just as violent now as the last seasons of the Clone Wars were.
And just as dark.


I swear, if he turns evilā€¦
I actually wonā€™t care that much. Sabineā€™s my favorite character on the show. That hasnā€™t left/diedā€¦


I wonder if heā€™ll come back or not.

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I still believe that kanan will die, ezra will probably go dark, and Sabine and hera, who knows



I donā€™t think so.
As edgy as this is getting, itā€™s still on Disney XD.
I donā€™t think anyoneā€™s gonna die. As for turning to the dark side, IDK.

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It may be on Disney XD, but none of the inquisitors live, the govenor chick died, the two officers in season one died, so I donā€™t think is that far-fetched


I suppose so, but those werenā€™t super developed characters, like Kanan is.
He has a comic series, too, so thatā€™s another reason not to have him die. Heā€™s not a character Iā€™m a huge fan of, though. (As long as Sabine and Zeb donā€™t dieā€¦)

Zeb is probably my favorite character IMO

Wouldnā€™t it just be changed to season 3 spoilers?

Lol, Bendu picking up that Holocron like, ā€œWhat? You thought this was dangerous?ā€

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I think Ahsoka mightā€™ve actually diedā€¦
That bird symbolism.

Some have speculated that the bird represents the Light Side of the Force (a.k.a. Ashla) as it showed up right when Bendu mentioned it and the Bogan (the mystical name for the Dark Side). Others also think it may be the Daughter from TCWā€™s Mortis Arcā€¦

Either way, Dave Filoni pretty strongly hinted at Ahsokaā€™s survival, though we may never see her again or know what happened to her. She may be trapped on Malachor for a long timeā€¦


Perhaps she survived inā€¦ a different way?
Not necessarily a force ghost, but something else.

Well, itā€™s not impossible for her body to have survived the Templeā€™s collapse. Vader did, after all, and we did see her descending into the Templeā€™s underground without any visible injury. Still, sheā€™d have to find a way to survive on Malachor, a planet very strong with the Dark Side, until someone could rescue her. Thatā€™s not impossible, given that Filoni believes Maulā€™s story about being trapped on the planet for years, but the planetā€™s effect on her wonā€™t be greatā€¦