Star Wars: Survival Over Illum (signups and discussion)

I use that site to watch shows too. Huh, it’s a small world after all.

I think you have the most potential for Kaiden because of how little you’ve delved into his character; you can use his trial to show what he hides behind his metaphorical mask of quiet guardian. Have a little fun with it and I like the seemingly endless hallway setup, lots of introspection and reflections of the mind stuff you can use there; reveal his vulnerable side.

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That’s a good idea. Some of y’all (@meepinater @Toa_Vladin and @TheOnlyGuyWhoLikesMistika) will have to give me some guidance to start it off, but I got yours, and since @BlackBeltGamer98 started his out already, y’all have started your trials.


Hang on, @Ghid, how will the clones “gas them out” if they can’t find an exit? I thought Duckie said the cave closed when the younglings entered and the only way they’ll get out is by using the Force.

Sorry if my questions are annoying, I just want to understand your choice of words.


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Well, if we are going by canon, there’s nothing special about the ice wall, the clones could jus blow it up if they wanted.



Clone Souls: Remastered Edition

But you must keep in mind the Clones probably don’t know 100% of the details on the caves. If they can find an exit they’ll be waiting. If there is none, then will try to get the door open.

If they can’t, it’s a process of going back and forth to the Venator with explosives to blast their way through the rock until they reach the inside. The Younglings can either come to them, get gassed to death… Or starve at the risk of being shot before they make it to the hole.

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They could literally just run through the wall, they don’t even need to get explosives…

But the cave during these trials (for the intents and purposes of this RP) is only accessible via the force.


Oh no… Well, it was good while it lasted

I’m sorry the game has rushed through so much up till now. I’m trying to make these trials interesting


It’s all good. All in all, Ive been having a great time.

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I have too. Only wish I’d done a better job early on. This is my first successful RP though.


Think of this as a learning opportunity.

Also, do you think the younglings should try to build their lightsabers while still in the cave?


Yeah since we never said anything about dropping the clones’ gear

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Uh, @TheMOCingbird, was using the word “tasty” to describe the wood inlays of Kaiden’s lightsaber a typo or does Kaiden actually eat chunks of wood like a beaver? Or am I just not understanding what an Arkanian’s diet consists of?

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Oh, thanks. Yeah, it was a typo, I meant “lastly” not “tasty”

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Okay. Typos like that are funny. Adding another tally on the “Autocorrect strikes again!” Score…I lost track again.

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Kay struggles with feeling confident in her abilities.


It’s the wrong topic mate.