Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) Discussion Topic

Hm, I didn’t know all that. I just figured they got rid of it because Rebels would be better for promoting Episode 7.

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Transitioning from the prequel era back to the OT era definitely seems to be a big part of it. But the way I understand it, it’s not the only part of it.

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I wish these guys were in the clone wars more often :confused:


Again, the creators had a specific reason for not doing this. They believed the type of stories they could tell wouldn’t really fit with the theme of the show (and I’m not just talking about the maturity level/darkness). As much as I adored the Republic Commando game, I think Dave Filoni and co. made the right choice. Their cameo in the Savage S3 arc was more then cool enough for me.

Besides, if they did included Delta Squad more, they’d have a ton of angry Traviss fans on their back harping about every single detail that’d be different from the novels (remebmber the debacle that was Season 2 Mandalore? :stuck_out_tongue: )


What debacle?
Is it about the Mandalorian Protectors?

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Possibly. Here’s a refresher:

In TCW S2, the Mandalorians on Mandalore are mainly pacifist. This contrasted extravagantly with the way the Mandos were portrayed in Karren Traviss’ Republic Commando novels. It gave TCW-haters yet another reason to trash-talk the series with arguments like “Filoni is a hypocrite. He claims to love the EU and yet takes a dump on it every chance he gets”. It was also allegedly the reason Traviss left cut off her Lucasfilm publishing contract while she was still set to write 2-3 more TCW-centric books.

I don’t really see the issue. The Season 2 Mandalore arc paved the way for what is in my opinion one of the greatest pieces of Star Wars storytelling in the past 20 years (the Maul/Mando Civil War arc from S5).


Eeeeh, TBH while I was excited for them to be in TCW, I concur with @legomaster1378 (On both his posts, while new Mandalore sucks, it created a brilliant arc) and if they were to be portrayed in the series anyway, they would definitely not be the same clones, due to being more kid-friendly. Also, I am not a fan of how they look in those pictures… the armor is just shaped wrong. The small cameo they had was enough for me.

Although, I would love a series like the Rep Commando novels to be aired, or maybe just put on Netflix, without the love story between Darman and Etain. I want to see Kal’buir kicking butt with his adopted family.


I understand that we have differing opinions when it comes to TCW, but I’m curious: why exactly do you think the RCs would be “kidified”? The show has showcased dark, complex and serious characters/situations many times during its run (including in your aforementioned Lawless arc).

As for the look of the armour, it’s mainly due to the jarring difference between the Republic Commando game’s style and TCW’s own visual cues. Remember, the RCs we’re used to seeing aren’t “live action” at all… cough giant shoulderpads cough

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I agree that TCW has done a great job at portraying dark concepts and such, but I find they simply don’t portray battle and spec ops nearly as well. Commandos experience darker and grittier aspects of war, and I simply don’t think that TCW would have been able to portray them as they should have been. It’s the same reason I’m hesitant about Fox and the Deadpool movie. In making the character audience appropriate, they would have to tone down aspects of their personality and details of their situations. The commandos may not be R rated, but I doubt that in a show that is ultimately a kid’s show, they would be able to show the scope of their missions or personalities.

IDK, the Umbara arc had some near-perfect war sequences IMO. Though it certainly isn’t (ironically enough) the show’s main and most successful forte.


I was too young for Hostage Crisis when I saw it the first time. Poor senate commando. First broke his legs then gets shot.


I don’t remember any leg-breaking. Bane snapped a Captain’s neck. Aurra shot a pleading injured Commando in the face. A guard was shot multiple times in the chest and thrown back into a wall. Bane casually shot that one senator in the back. Nope, no leg-breaking here. :stuck_out_tongue:

(Dang, Hostage Crisis was a really violent episode when you think about it.)


I thought the dude’s legs were broken when they threw the grenade in the door. But that’s what I am talking about. Too much for me when it came out.


I just realized the clone wars is 7 years old… holy crap


Actually, Ryan Reynolds is trying to push Fox to go with an R rating.

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I know he is, but that doesn’t change what I said. Nitpicking at such a little detail isn’t worth anything to the topic, nor does it change the meaning or point.

AKA not relevant.


I’m just saying there’s hope for the Deadpool movie. I’m not refuting your points, just saying that Deadpool may be able to avoid them.

so um finished watching clone wars on netflix again then tried to watch episode 3, I cried like a baby :’(


Because of the Jedi or the Clones?


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