The Ask the Politician Topic

I have already made my thoughts on this topic clear: I would advocate staying in Metru Nui.

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Sir, as a representative of the Zivon political party, can you confirm the rumors of bribery and malcontent in your party? Especially that of Roodaka.

Also, Sidorak, another member of your party has been missing for several days now, what are your thoughts on that?

Furthermore, there has been recent evidence of a connection to the Cough Hail Illumakuta! Cough

Erm… You’ll have to excuse my irratated throat sir, as I was saying, your party seemingly has connections to the group supposedly called Illumakuta, is this something you can deny?

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Thank you Bioraiders532 for your wonderful questions. First of all, I am NOT a member of the Zivon party. I am a member of the Tahtorak party, which I stated here:

As I do not consider myself a member of their party, I do not follow what happens within it. Thus, I cannot properly answer your questions regarding Roodaka and Sidorak.

I have mentioned before how I neither deny nor confirm my connections to the “Illumakuta”.

Also, to all reading this thread, I now have a strawpoll! Feel free to vote for me there:

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What days will we worship the almighty loaf?

Thank you for your question Lelouch. If I am elected as Metru Governor in 2018, I would set Loafday as the official loaf-worshiping day.

Sir you are lying when you say you aren’t connected to the group Illumakuta. I know this because I senator Altron say…HAIL ILLUMAKUTA!!! I reveal myself to be a proud member of the Illumakuta!!! You have tried to break our deal with joining with these peasant groups you told us you despise and you showed us as proof of your “loyalty” a video where you said that you loved sphees and were shooting disc launchers and were wearing the manly mans torso(with dem blue nips)!!! Fellow members he shall be labelled as a TRAITOR, and be punished!

I never said I WASN’T a member of the Illumakuta. I just didn’t confirm it.

Do not try to hide it you have been already revealed traitor!

I still am unaware of what you are talking about.

Deny it all you want, but remember that the allseeing Illumakuta will find you from your safehouse and punish you by first forcing you to eat 4 lbs of hot potatos.

Why would I do that? The Kanoka Club is where it’s at!


You may do whatever you wish; I was simply giving you friendly advice.

I could just geass everyone to vote for you, but grog in vending machines should convince everyone by default.

He has revealed his Illumakuta membership, EXTERMINATE HIM!


I’m not sure what has transpired in my topic, but I will do my best to ignore it and move on.

Since this is the official ask a Politician Topic, and I’m running against Nuju…

You can ask me about my plans and stuff, and why exactly I am creating the new Kanoka Club party as I run for the chance to be Metru Governor.

Ask away!

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Do you approve of proposition 139: The immigration to Sperus Magna.

How do you believe we should go about the Agori customs?

Do you have any word where Kopaka, Pohatu or Onua are? We haven’t heard much worried about them.

Do you believe we should awaken Mata Nui by poking his mask with a stick?

Have you heard of the alleged secret organization known as the Illumakuta?

Prequel’s or sequels?

(Nuju you may answer these questions as well if you wish.)

Sorry, Nuju already has my vote, he’s gonna make the vending machines sell grog, and he’s gonna make Shpee hunting illegal.

Good Questions!

  1. I believe we should rebuild Metru Nui, but also have some people go to New Atero, so we could make peace and be a united force against the remaining Skakdi and Dark Hunters who pose a threat to us. So my approval is partial; I don’t want a total migration to New Atero, but some migration, just to test the waters, you know?

  2. I think we should not be afraid to try some of them out, like any other growing culture, but also still retain to our roots.

  3. No word on it yet. The last I heard of Pohatu, he was investigating the mysterious deaths occurring on Spherus Magna. But that is all I know. I have no info on the other Nuva members. Unfortunately, I am not informed as much as the other Order of Mata Nui members, so I end up being a Chronicler for Turaga and others instead.

  4. He already said he’d come back at a better time. Even though it may seem fun to poke it with a stick, Mata Nui will live on in our memories until his return, like he asked us to. I think it would be more respectful to live up to his request.

  5. I have heard of it, but I am not part of it. Being a Kanoka Club member, I am prohibited from being part of that dastardly organization. You can take my word for it, because I am a follower of the Three Virtues and a fellow member of the Order of Mata Nui.

  6. I admire both. Prequels help tell more of the backstory, and sequels continue the story. I love learning details on things, so I like both.

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As Chronicler stated, these are some good questions.

  1. I do NOT approve of Proposition 139, as I have stated numerous times throughout this topic.

  2. I believe that we should stick to our old customs and traditions. If the Agori wish to join us, then we should accept them.

  3. I have not heard any news regarding any of the missing Toa Nuva. If I am elected as Metru Governor, I will not rest until I find these four brave heroes.

  4. I believe that Mata Nui was never in the Ignika at all. The entity that claimed to be him was merely an impostor.

  5. I believe I have made my thoughts on this clear.

  6. I am in favor of sequels.

@LelouchViBritannia Thank you for staying loyal to my cause. The banning of Shpees is certainly high on my list.

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