Ok, it’s time for a new list again, as I won’t be able to edit the old one anymore by somewhen tomorrow.
I’ll put the complete set of rules below it, so definitely take a look if you want to participate!
Even if the first post says something different, what is written here is the real thing.
The first post still includes some other information you should read before entering, though!
= drawing done
= “Book of the Brotherhood” entry completed but not yet edited
= “Book of the Brotherhood” entry done
Both, the drawing and the “Book of the Brotherhood” entry will be posted once the project is complete. For more information see post 374 and 470.
Male Makuta, accepted - builder
- revamped Teridax - Payinku
- revamped Icarax - Toa_Heatwave
- revamped Krika - TFM101A
- revamped Bitil - 21sselliW
- revamped Spiriah - The_Wanderer
- revamped Mutran - Gilahu
- revamped Miserix - Toa_Heatwave
- Jsasax, Makuta of Stelt - RedHuna101
- Jarnat - Gilahu
- Gantil - LurkingEhlek
- Troodax - Whovian41110
- Xoth - 21sselliW
- Nevantar - TBT_Emerald
- Tagah - Chronicler
- Hesbrix - P1gNinja
- Zurta - 21sselliW
- Uloki - Rac
- Zhun - Rac
- Hormahk - pizzacheetah
- Furtaan - Chronicler
- Crytoss - Leoxandar
- Clanik - Rac
- Dredzek - Chicken Bond, uploaded by Windfall
- Erevor - TBT_Emerald
- Netrux - Hawkflight
- Anjan - Gilahu
- Jorax - DG_Eddie
- Verahk - Rac
- Xirok - Sushiyoda
- revamped Antroz - Lord_Tuma
- Tak - TheRed1s
- Manguopo - Darkbrick999
- Jormuntrax - Solaris
- Chisk - Xing1870
- Reppirax - Sciencegiraffe
- Napak - Povak
- Tridax - Toa_Heatwave
- Cenred - Toa_Distraxx
- Ornek - Gilahu
- Aplekisa - MysteryMuffin
- Piraunga - The_Wanderer
- Marzek - Timeline15
- Sachel - Sammythekat
- Erdorn - Timeline15
- Lomois - Leoxandar
- Irutra - ToaPanda
Male Makuta, assigned/not yet accepted - builder
47) Nhilkus - TheMoltenKing
48) ? - Kardax
49) Durantaz - pizzacheetah
50) ? - ToaTeramur
51) Kohuru - darkbrick999
52) ? - Silver_Falcon
53) ? - Overlord
54) Fenerak - AdamusTheFirst
55) ? - h1vem1nd
56) Adrion - AdamusTheFirst
57) ? - RedHoodieReveiwer
58) Falkin - Silver_Falcon
59) ? - mravacadomonkey
60) ? - E44
61) ? - Ekorak
62) ? - LurkingEhlek
63) revamped Chirox - The_Wanderer
64) Raximoras - Gringat
65) Shale - JordanWill
66) revamped Vamprah - EvilLobsterKing
67) Zurel - Sammythekat
68) Suurat - Kanohippy
69) Ormen - Nogus1
70) ? - SmeatyFlavor
71) Shornos - TBT_Emerald
72) ? - Omega_Tahu
73) ? - AwesomeJoel27
74) ? - MakutaTexxidos*
75) Moldavanka - Irrie
Female Makuta, accepted - builder
86) revamped Gorast - Gringat
87) Kindrix - Gilahu
88) Kraiden - Payinku
89) Isthra - 21sselliW
90) Vadkanda - Windfall
91) Scarla - Chicken Bond, Uploaded by Windfall
92) Thorkahn - JMP
93) Ahkaxx - MakutaTexxidos
94) Mazla - Povak
95) Tethis - The_Wanderer
96) Nebunie - MysteryMuffin
Female Makuta, assigned/not yet accepted - builder
97) Vulon - AdamusTheFirst
98) Arknas - Whovian41110
99) ? - Aegyptiacus
100) Rerekei - Cyclopian
To be assigned
- 9 other male Makuta
- Kojol
The five Makuta who sided with Miserix at the convocation are all done already.
The two Makuta who were kept by Teridax to create Kraata after he took over the Matoran Universe and were later killed are done already.
The Makuta who was killed by Toa Zaria is done already.
All female Makuta are assigned/already done.
MOCs will be accepted, when trio is complete with proper backstory.
Don’t forget to update Krika
Falkin will get accepted as soon as the Makuta he killed is done and gets accepted
If I got anything wrong, please tell me.
1) Makuta wear Kanohi
Your MOC should wear a mask or have a head that looks like a mask.
2) Good design
Your MOC should look like something you spent some time on. It needs a proper colour scheme and should also get the “Makuta look” across.
3) Colour Scheme
Makuta as beings of Shadow should not have a colour scheme associated with Light. You can use gold pieces (if you really have to) or white armor, but no white and gold colour scheme.
4) Titan Size
Ideally your MOC should have the complexity of a Titan build, although I’m somewhat tollerant in that point. Have a look at my Makuta MOCs if you want to get an impression of what I deem perfect in that regard.
5) “Original” Form
The Makuta should be humanoid and not mutated. This means they should walk upright, have exactly two legs, one head and a minimum of two arms. You’re allowed to add more arms, wings, tail(s) etc.
6) Picture Quality
At least the main picture of your MOC shouldn’t be too dark/too bright/blurred and such. Everyone should be able to tell colours apart and see details.
7) CCBS and Technic
This is a project that aims at creating G1 characters. It would make me extremely happy if you could use no CCBS parts for your MOC.
But since the era of the G1 building system is 5 years gone and some of you understandably don’t have any/very few G1 parts, CCBS MOCs of course will get accepted, too. But please at least consider using no CCBS if you can. Thanks.
1) Kanohi rule:
Your Makuta aren’t allowed to wear the following masks (again, just to be sure: Your MOC can wear any mask you like, you just have to say that it is a different mask):
- Avsa, Mask of Hunger
- Mohtrek, Mask of Time Duplication
- Shelek, Mask of Silence
- Jutlin, Mask of Corruption
- Othla, Mask of Fear (name by 21sselliW)
- Pakari, Mask of Strength
- Kiril, Mask of Regeneration
- Matatu, Mask of Telekinesis
- Kualsi, Mask of Quick Travel
- obviously not the Kraahkan, but also no mask that is “shaped like a Kraahkan”
- no masks that just exist in very limited numbers (Olmak, Kanohi Nuva, etc.)
This doesn’t apply to already accepted MOCs. It doesn’t apply to canon Makuta with known masks either, of course, but it does apply to those whose masks aren’t given.
There might be Kanohi added to this list from time to time, so be sure to have a look before uploading your MOC.
2) Canon story rule:
Your Makuta has to die before the entrance to Karda Nui is discovered. That would be around the time Jaller and his friends set out to find the Toa Nuva.
(the “no longer Makuta” side paragraph doesn’t work anymore)
Again, this obviously excludes canon Makuta, whose fates we know.
3) Dark Hunter - Brotherhood of Makuta War Rule
No more Makuta are allowed to have found their end through the hands of the Dark Hunters after outbreak of the war (shortly after Mata Nui was put to sleep)
4) Makuta kill Makuta rule A
Your Makuta isn’t allowed to kill another Makuta except if you do another Makuta MOC which is killed by the first one in its backstory. If so, tell me and that first MOC will get accepted as soon as the second one gets accepted, too.
5) Toa kill Makuta rule
Toa aren’t allowed to be responsible for your Makuta’s death.
6) Death through the Order of Mata Nui rule:
No more Makuta are allowed to have died through the hands of the Order of Mata Nui. The exception are canon Makuta.
7) Makuta kill Makuta rule B:
If your Makuta is killed by another Makuta, I (Gilahu) might request you to change the killer’s name if I feel like this Makuta already killed enough others or doesn’t fit as killer. You’re allowed to use every Makuta accepted into this project as killer, as long as it makes sense (in my eyes).
Backstory help
If you need help with a backstory, I’m always ready to help.
Here are some suggestions (thanks to @E44 with helping out here) (please tell me if you want to use one of these):
- Makuta Chasnon (post 334)
- a Makuta who shunned his inner shadow and became a Makuta of Light (somewhat like in the Melding alternate Universe) but was killed because of … reasons even prior to the war with the Barraki by his brethren (@Sammythekat)
- a Makuta who specialized on creating sentient plants - creator of the Daikau
- a Makuta who specialized on creating crablike Rahi - absorbed by Chirox after they together created the Zivon (so that Chirox could take all the credit for it (or something))
- a Makuta who was something like the security chief of Destral
- a Makuta who studied elemental powers and how it worked that they could be activated in a Matoran during the transformation into a Toa. In the days after Teridax’s takeover this Makuta thus captured multiple Matoran and Toa and experimented with them. He eventually found out a lot about the mysterious “Toa Power” in the process and even might have been able to extract it from Toa and create Toa stones with it.
Death sources:
- prior to Teridax’s takeover and the Makuta’s evolution they could still die by simply stabbing them with a pointy stick in the right place. After the evolution it wasn’t so easy anymore
- Makuta were working with viruses to create Rahi. They were able to create a virus that put Mata Nui to sleep and eventually killed him and also one that devoured Protosteel. Perhaps one Makuta wasn’t careful enough while creating a certain new virus and became … ill. And later died from that disease.
- death by trying to absorb something too powerful/too many beings at once
There might be things added/removed here from time to time.