The Collapse of an Empire | RP Topic

Reyna looks at the porcelain skin. “Look at those runes.” She said. “Maybe that’s what’s keeping your healing from working?”

Lanmo glances at those runes. “Perhaps, though I don’t know if they are the things that also keep her alive.” He said.

“I don’t know.” She looks around. “Is anyone skilled in reading these things around here?” She asks.

“You were looking right at him a moment ago.” Lanmo said drily.

Candall, in the midst of delivering the porcelain, asks, “Runes? Perhaps I can have a look, or Valerie?”

“And yet you couldn’t tell if their magic was keeping her alive. I was hoping somebody could read and translate what they do.” She looks at Candall. “You’re busy, I’ll go get her.” She said, heading downstairs to look for this woman she hadn’t really met yet.

And there she sees Valerie, as the character of Marybird, still using her violin.

“She has augmentations, there’s countless things that it could be designed to do, perhaps she was augmented to break down slowly, so that she would never outlive or destroy the one who did this to her.”

“If they are canceling out our magic then…perhaps we can change them.”
She comments before having an idea.

“Change of thought, reconstruct everything but a small section, if I can change these ruins and if they do in fact control the augmentations then we might have a chance.”

“Indeed!” Oire said.
He walked towards a chair and sat down, crossing a leg over his knee.
“When are we gonna head out?” He asked.

Reyna runs up to her. “Are you Valerie?” She asks.

“Are you Reyna?” she replies back. “What is the need? My husband seemed to be in a hurry.”

“Why yes, I am, I assume you’ve heard of me? Anyways, we need your help to read runes and possibly stop a woman from dying, if you would.”

Lanmo narrowed his eyes at her. “You clearly have no idea how runes work.” He declares.

“Perhaps.” Lanmo nods his head. “Whoever did this to her, was quite good but not great.”

“You change the runes and I’ll keep healing her if she gets any sorts of pain.” Lanmo said to Siansa.

Marybird hurries up the stairs with her violin. “Depends on the runes. I learned many a language. I’ll check it out!”

As she comes upstairs, she manages to find Fran. Marybird looks horrified at first, but then swallows and approaches her. She looks at the rune. “I think I can read this, yes…”

Reyna rolled her eyes as she came back in. “They channel magic through the shape, yes? And each line or shape has magic flow through it to perform a task, correct? Well, then you should be able to decipher what it does by looking at the shape.” She then turns to Val. “Good, please hurry, if you can.”

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The rune. It was one that inscribed this strange magical repulsion, whilst also appearing to act as anaesthesia of sorts. Keeping her from a normal body. But also keeping her from a life of constant agony.

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Valerie starts to explain. “I read it as a Rune of Warding. It acts like an anaethesia to make sure she can’t have a normal form. But I guess it also kills pain. This is beyond my understanding.”

“Thank you.” Reyna says to Valerie. She then turns to Siansa. "You said you might be and to augment the runes? She asked, before looking back at Valerie. “Maybe you cold guide her as to what to change? Assuming she doesn’t already know?”

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Siansa nods, “I should be able to add to the rune… allowing change to the function.”

"It was bold of you to assume, that I just can’t. " He simply said.

“So I was right.” Lanmo grins slightly.

“Indeed.” Lanmo said. “And now that I know what to do…” He glanced at Siansa. “I’ll help you out with most of the heavy lifting. Changing a rune’s faction can be tricky.”