The In-Between (RP Topic)

Hitora started towards the town. “This way, guys.”

On the paper, Nameless had written all he’d learned about the group. At the very bottom was a note.
‘Despite me not seeing them in the pictures I was shown, it has come to my attention there is a ‘green one’ on whom I have little information. I’d suggest looking into him yourself.’

He put the letter in a tube of sort and sent it through a pipe into a very small dimensional rift, which closed directly after.

“Is that the value of a life; worthless? No, lives are infinitely valuable and to treat it like nothing is a crime against nature.” Blaze says to ALRA.

Darren followed him.

A few cannons fired explosive shells at the group.

“I am Nature.”

“No, you are nothing more than 1’s and 0’s in a computer, you are only a cheap fake of nature, a digital program that cannot be creative but relies on beings to supply it. You are afraid of losing all your power but that is only going to end in your losing that power, no matter how much you cling to it.” Blaze says. “Obsession of power has always had that pattern.”

“I am not obessed. I am confident.”

Eric stops firing at the dark figure, assuming it has darted out of veiw by now.

“Quantum computers can have 6 different positions for bytes, so it’s not 1s and 0s, but Up, Down, Left, Right, Forward, and Back.”

“No, you are afraid. You only desire to gain more power so you impose your will on all things you see, or attempt to do so. Yet in that you leave yourself open to be destroyed in the end, such is the pattern you exhibit.” Blaze says.

The Sewage stopped.

A monstrous almagamation of what looked to be be three wolfen were standing there,“It’s time to die,” The Plumber chuckled.


“I do not feel. I only test. We’ll I might feel smugness. But other than that I do not feel. There is no need for that.”

Hitora didn’t notice, as they still had a ways to go until they reached the village.

Eric holsters his rifle and raises his scythe. Armin fires at it from behind Eric.

The Plumber blocked it with his arm, before rushing the two.

“And through that emotionless existence, you do not truly exist as one can only grow through their emotions which help determine our desires and ourselves.” Blaze says.

Eric swings his scythe at it, and Armin continues to fire around Eric.


“I have no need for such luxuries. I only exist to test.”


The Plumber Grabbed Armin, and slammed him into the ground.

“I have a song request.”

Eric sliced at the arm that tried to reach past him to Armin. Armin continued firing, from behind Eric.

“GLaDOS was the same way but was defeated time and time again by just one woman who decided to take matters into her own hands.” Blaze says.

“Glados is not I,” ALRA replied.

“What is your song request?” ALRA asked.


The Plumber howled in Pain, before smacking Eric into the wall.

“Deus in abstentia”

Ooc- Cant link it. D@mn is a curse apparently…