The In-Between (RP Topic)

“Why would they have second thoughts if it’s as great as you believe?” Keya asked.

“Insubordination is an issue to not be taken lightly but to just kill them for it is not the way to do it, if anything, it just makes the problem worse as eventually, your soldiers will revolt because the punishment is disproportionate to the crime.” Blaze says. Please, let these three Wolfen with us survive and join in our adventures and know freedom. He asks any sort of power that can allow it.

“I care not for such maters. You have a game to finish.”

“I shall decide the fate of the Wolfen at the end of the game.”

“You are cruel, and without kindness. You will release these three into our care or you will find your data getting screwed around by pure magic.” Blaze demands. He will not tolerate this kind of treatment of intelligent and sapient beings.

“I will decide the fate of the Wolfen at the end of the game.”

“Do you not care, or ignore it, thinking like a child that such a threat will go away if you just pretend it isn’t there?”

“Let them be the masters of their own fate for once.” Blaze tells ALRA.

Eric climbed a bit faster, but still kept an eye out for traps. Upon reaching the top, he peaked out, assessing his surroundings.

“I will decide the fate of the Wolfen at the end of the game.”


“I am merely preparing for the conflict that lies ahead.”


They are in the middle of a street, surrounded by buildings.

“By ignoring faults that could be exploited for your downfall.”

Eric looks around for Wolfen, continuing to stay hidden.

“Faults in what?”


Wolfen are everywhere, you’re in the middle of their main base.

Eric considers his options. He tells Armin of what’s outside, then jumps out and guns down Wolfen, before rushing to an alleyway, followed by Armin.

“Faults in your ‘mind’. You think a problem goes away if it is left alone. But that makes it grow worse and worse until it becomes so massive that it destroys you.” Blaze says.

“Correction, I stomp out the problem. Then it goes away.”
ALRA stated.
“Now finish the game, or the Wolfen will do it for you.”

“Fine!” Blaze says, I swear, this is no normal game, this is more like a Shadow Game from the YGO Manga. Blaze thinks.

OOC: Where is the group Blaze is with? I lost track.

“Yet you haven’t yet, but sown seeds for a larger one from those who find out you aren’t as just and powerful as you say.”

OOC: @BlackBeltGamer98 nearing the village.

OOC: And that is where the Wolfen base is?

IC:[quote=“Runa, post:6881, topic:37931, full:true”]
“Yet you haven’t yet, but sown seeds for a larger one from those who find out you aren’t as just and powerful as you say.”

“You took the words out of my mouth, Keya.” Blaze says.

Eric and Armin sneak through the alleyways, trying to make their way to the center, where the commander base most likely is.

OOC: outside the city limits, Eric and Armin are in the City. And yes.



“They aren’t”


They have difficulty sneaking around as the wolfen started to smell sewage.