The In-Between (RP Topic)

“Ooh! What’s this?” Spirax asked happily as hit scanned him.
It scans showed his bodies design to be that of a basic bionicle except for all of the ‘additions’ put into him, nearly every joint on him had a metal ‘cuff’ surrounding them, clearly able to be to have other devices attached to it, his bones were highly interlaced with other mechanics, ranging from wires crudely strewn across, and threw them, to mechanical parts such as Pistons and small generators implanted in them, his organs were all the standard variation except most of them were mechanical, some more crude looking, and quite a few were either… Larger or slightly off-colour/shape as if they weren’t originally his… Sure they all seemed to be working at peak performance but it was odd.
His skull appeared to have multiple computer like objects built across and into it, mechanical parts installed in the back of his eyes connected to some of them by wires, along with quite a few other parts and many of the wires visibly connecting to and through his brain, much of his nervous system gone, and what was left was just enough to allow for his body to move and his organs to function properly, feeling was most definitely not an option or he’d probably be in constant pain from his flesh’s eternal healing caused by the unnatural additions and his bodies attempts to remove them only resulting in more damage.
Of course the oddest, and most disturbing parts were how his protodermis acted, be it from hpthe extra vats installed in his chest to his own bodies, it was constantly shifting, push upwards in spike like shapes before erupting from his flesh to form the tens of hundreds of ‘knives’ across his form.
All in all his form showed massive, massive signs of abuse p, experimentation and torture, that combined with the mechanics should’ve been enough to make sure he wasn’t even alive or at least just a vegetable but somehow he continued to function, if anything he functioned better than most beings and there was definetly no way his body could ever be put back to normal, not without vegetating him, his body had already been forced to adapt to much for that.

“Stupid inika builds”

“What’s an Inika?” Spirax asked curiously as he wiggled slightly? “I’m a Le-Toa! Do you like my upgrades? It’s what my first testers gave me before they died! Which I totally had nothing to do with!” Spirax said cheerfully, small pulses of power flashing across the computer like attachments to his skull in obvious pleasure/happiness as he grinned.

“It’s nothing compared to what I’ve created.”

“Really? They sound cool!” Spirax replied, an awe-filled light in his eyes before it faded with another cackle.

“I suppose.”

“Well it does make sense though, my first testers had a lot of us they were workin on and not a lot of supplies so quite a few of my upgrades are a bit more crude than they wanted. But hey! I was the only successful subject!”

“Pitiful then.”

“Yeah, but hey! I’ve actually upgraded quite a few of them!” Spirax said, giggling. “They used to be a lot worse! I was their last subject and they’d already put most stuff in the old ones.”

“What laboratory created you?”

Hepohepo was listening intently.

Hitora yawned.

Nameless walked towards the door, peeking through.

“Hmm? Oh! Two Makuta did!” Spirax said cheerfully. “I don’t really know if they had a factory but they’d been collecting Toa and Matoran test subjects for years to try and help Teridax! They said something about a super warrior or something.” Spirax said grinning. “But after Teridax fell they tried to hide their tests, most of the other subjects had already gone insane or died already so it was ok, they’d failed their tests, but I hadn’t so I was angry and didn’t let them kill me! I’d been a perfect tests subject! I always made it through, I hadn’t broke, I was a good test subject, so I figured they were bad testers and tried to show them how to be good testers but then they died, which wasn’t my fault!”

“That sounds dumb.”

“Yeah, it kinda does.” He tries to drink a random soda out of nowhere, but one doesn’t show up. “Strange…” He mutters.

“Yeah, they were bad testers and even worse subjects, it was even based off of one of their easier ones!” Spirax said in an exasperated tone. “I mean, it made sense to hide what they’d done, didn’t want to be executed for supporting Teridax, but to try and kill their best test subject for no reason! So rude.” Spirax huffed.

“Did they even sterilize the testing environment?”

“Sometimes, usually only if any body parts or blood got in the way of performing other tests, from what I can figure they thought it would help make their ‘super warrior’ stronger.” Spirax said in quite a more sane tone than usual, before giggling. “Well I guess they were kinda right, I mean I haven’t caught an infection from like anything for eons!”

Hepohepo attempted using his powers in many ways, yet could only ever seem to use them for jokes and references here. He even tried floating a few times, but it only worked the last. He thought, and came to a conclusion. “Ah! There isn’t much Chaos going on in this place, but a non-fabricated, actual conflict going on is creating more…” He said, primarily to himself.

Using the shadows from the dark room on the other side of the door, Nameless created an illusion around himself, making him seem invisible, and snuck into the door.

“That is unethical. that is probably why they all died.”

“Nah, not really, maybe 5% of em died from that, most either killed themselves or the tests got em, the Makuta may nit have been the best at testing but they were good at keeping their subjects from dieing of something as small as a infection… usually.” Spirax replied, shrugging as much as he could.