The Lab :RP Topic:

@Omega_Tahu @1000Purse30 @H-Roar

Several assorted individuals are in a small brightly lit room, other than the creases where the walls meet the floor and ceiling, it’s entirely featureless. The room smelled of chemical agents and the temperature was frigid. Quietly, a panel on the ceiling slid away, and a monitor on a Robotic appendage slipped into the room. “Wakey Wakey Test subjects,” Says a synthesized voice emanating from the screen," Are you ready for testing?"


Tabar wakes up “Where… Where am I?”

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“You are in The Lab as my test subject.”

“But, I was dying…”

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“And now you’re not. Science! You gotta love it!”
replied the voice as a visored face appeared on the screen.

“Thanks” Tabar tries to get up

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“You really, I mean really, should take that back, I mean, after all, that’s not the only thing that’s going to happen to you, I have all sorts of fun and games planned ahead you and your roommates.”

“Well? Unfortunately for you, By random draw, I have selected your pod from the multitudes I have lying around, Who wants to go first? I have Experiments for everyone!”

“Durability! Needles! Life expectancy! Radiation! Mutation! Cybernetics,The whole shabang!”

“Maybe, Maybe not. Who know’s for sure when their sort fragile time on this slow tilting planet is up.”

OOC: That’s a little much. can you tone it down?

OOC: It’s not really supposed to be a horror RP, something More like Portal.

Knight wakes up, stands up, and inspects his surroundings silently.

“Um, who ever you are, what games are talking about?”

“Scientific research, of the highest caliber. and entertainment. That sorta thing. Whatever,” he said as two more pinchers dropped from the ceiling grabbing the storm beast and a scruffy looking wolf thing.

“What are you doing?!”

“Science” replied the voice as the two were dumped into another room.“Simple test: Walk to the end of the room.”

“Ok…” Tabar starts walking “Hey, I’m getting the hang of this…”

“I can smell colors” replied the other person in the room, in a somewhat delirious manner.

“Smell colors?”