The Last Resistance (Mothership)

“It doesn’t matter where I came from.”

Malekai shrugged.

The groujp arrived at the workshop’s door. It was large and heavy. Malekai went to open the door, but it wouldn’t budge. “It’s locked. How do we open it?”

“We remove the doorframe,” Ashley replied, holding up her screwdriver.

“Wait a minute.” Mark said, appraching the door.

“If you’re gonna punch it, be my guest.”

Mark punched into the door, but instead of bursting it open, he broke his wrist. “Ah ■■■■!” He shouted, falling onto his back. “Fine, you try your plan.” Mark said to Ashley as he realligned his wrist back into place.

Ashley went to the edges of the door and began to unfasten the screws.


The door fell to Ashley’s feet after the bolts were removed. They could now enter. “Follow me. Inside.” Malekai said, leading everyone into the room.

Ashley quickly stepped into the room.

The group entered the large workshop, filled with all sorts of bizarre tools and technology. Malekai began rummaging threw the items, until he finally pulled out a remote. He aimed it at the group and everyone’s collars deactivated, falling to the ground.

“Okay, now you should have access to your powers again.” Malekai told everybody.

“How did you know that was the right one?” Ashley asked, suspicious.

Malekai rubbed the back of his head, as if he had to come up with an explanation. 'I… have been studying and observing the Xir’algath during my time in captivity." he said as he looked around at the others. “So, anyways, are your abilities coming back?” Malekai asked them.

Ashley raised an eyebrow in response,“Why should we trust you?”


Malekai looked down. “Look, I am your only hope. You probably wouldn’t have even made it this far without my help. So can you at least put a little trust in me?” he asked, looking back up.
“Anyways, we need to recover our weapons now. Let’s go.” Mark suddenly said.

“Who had the idea to bust the shackles?” She growled,“Who had the idea to remove the door frame?”

“True, but only I have been able to navigate you through this hellhole of a ship! If it weren’t for me, the Xir’algath probably would’ve recaptured you, or you would end up being devoured by zombies by now!” Malekai shouted, bringing his face up to Ashley’s. Although he was short, he had a lot of nerve.

“I took care of that zombie all by myself!” She growled, stepping towards the Matoran.

Malekai stepped even loser towards Ashley’s face. “Do you have any idea of what I have been through?!” he shouted, flailing his false arm made from scraps. “I have made so may sacrifices for others, so I could all give them hope for a better future that I probably will never even get! And here you are, acting all macho like you don’t need my help, and not putting any trust in me just because I have gotten you all this far!”

Anguish filled Malekai’s face.

“I don’t care who you are or what you’ve been through, if you don’t get out of my face, you’ll be needing a few more prosthetics.”

Malekai glared at Ashley one last time before backing down. “Fine. All i’m asking is that you just put some trust in me for a bit longer. Is that too much to ask?” he asked quietly.