The Relationship Topic

What’s prom?


It’s a big dance hosted by the school.

Been to prom twice. The first time was decent but there was a bit of a problem, the girl I went with only spoke Thai because she was an exchange student. So talking to her was hard XD, but she knew enough basic English that I was able to keep a conversation going, though their were some silent moments that were a bit awkward but it wasn’t too terrible. Although I could tell she wasn’t super excited to go she seemed to enjoy being there. The second time I enjoyed more because I went with a mutual friend of mine who I already knew. (She also spoke English, the language I happen to speak in :stuck_out_tongue:) The only thing I didn’t like about my second prom was that it felt like a lot of people were shipping us and it got a bit annoying.


I’ve had that happen to me before, except it wasn’t at prom, and people were shipping me with another guy. It was REALLY weird and uncomfortable.


Same. Which is strange that they were ridiculing me when he held me down and kissed me. And trust me when I say that isn’t even the strangest part.


I’m pretty sure that count’s as assault. When and where did that take place?


Exactly why I can’t play that game, because I’m already just so attractive that people are literally throwing themselves at me. If I started playing that who knows what would happen?


Do twenty push ups a night, and it can make most girls look past your weird hobbies, because they at least know that you’re committed to staying slightly healthy. The muscle gain doesn’t hurt either. Oh, and facial hair shows subtle maturity, so growing something might be in your best interest. Unless you get like… a pedostache. Then you should shave that thing real quick, because girls will get creeped out.

Although, if a girl can’t look past your hobbies to begin with, that shows a clear tendency for the immoral treatment of other people. Judgemental people like that are toxic, a real woman reserves her judgement and at the very least keeps an open mind before coming to a conclusion.


On a bus during a field trip. It was part of a game of truth or dare, but it wasn’t even his dare. Only in PA!


Truth or dare, huh? I’ve had some… interesting experiences with that game…


I have a feeling those “experiences” have A LOT to do with relationships. :wink:


This made me realize. The secret is so obvious…


Not me, I skipped my prom and went to a Magic the Gathering tournament. Best choice I ever made.


I’m glad I don’t live in that part of the state…

XD wow.


I skipped both mine because I had no interest in going with anyone from my school and didnt wanna be the guy that showed up alone :stuck_out_tongue:

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I remember taking a girl who would later become my girlfriend (and then my ex a year later) to courtwarming. Well, except that she had a sudden change of plans and drove to see family without telling me until I was already at the dance. That was… I can’t explain the completely different versions of anger I felt that day. I DON’T EVEN LIKE DANCING.


That should’ve been a sign that things wouldn’t work out. Even if it was a necessary change of plans, communication is key.


Hey bro, all men have to go through that first stupid and naive doting period in their first relationship. XD


Part? It’s like that anywhere between Philadelphia and Pittsburgh.

So recently I learned that a friend of mine told another friend of mine that I had a crush on her, I was pissed because I’ve known this girl since preschool and the last thing I need is her thinking of me as a total creep, so I had to tell her my friend was wrong, luckily she was super chill about it. She decided to cut it off with my friend though, I still talk to him but not as often. He’s still kinda mad at me for “ruining his friendship with her”