toa paragon V4 (self moc)

A revamp I worked very hard on to get the shaping and legs to look right.


Looks very nice! I like the gears.

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I like the head, it looks like he has eyebrows.

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I think there are some neat concepts here, but the execution is a bit lacking. It is nice to see the inclusion of system here, but it also makes him quite blocky and have odd proportions; his one knee, especially, looks add with how bend it is. The colorscheme is also pretty chaotic, so it’s hard to follow what is going on unless you really focus. I would try to organize and layer your colors a little better so that the MOC will look more refined on the whole; for example, maybe try making his base color black and include gold/silver highlights and then add in the gear aesthetic. I hope this helps, and keep on MOCing!


I really like how mangled it looks.

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Huh A steam punk style toa that’s new!

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