Transformers Cybertron Reborn RP topic

OOC: says no

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OOC: alright then. Personally, I don’t see the harm in it. It’s just between Firestorm and Razorwing.

OOC: it’s fine, I’ll allow it

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OOC: Oh, alright. I wasn’t even expecting it to work. I don’t think it can do anything besides let Razorwing and Dark Firestorm talk to each other, but I’ll have to ask Blackbelt about the specifics.

Didn’t think it was something big enough to need GM approval for, sorry. I’ll run things like this by one of you three first in the future.

OOC: k, the sudden telepathy just caught me off guard

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OOC: yeah, sorry about that.

IC: Bootleg continues to watch Razorwing converse with the empty air in front of him, realizing that he was not quite as confused or concerned for his fellow Minicon’s sanity as he really should have been. Between the interdimensional travelers, ancient civilizations, dead gods, and dying himself, this was just par for the course.

OOC: achieved my goal, time to pay attention to the road.
IC: glitch continued looking across the sea

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OOC: ?

IC: “It’s nice to see water again,” Gladius comments. “Velocitron’s a nice place, but sand and asphalt gets a little monotonous.”

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OOC: I’ve been trying to get 10k points in atomas all day.
IC: “the person, or…”

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“No, the material,” Gladius clarifies.

“there’s a material?”

“Yep,” Gladius affirms.

“what’s it like?”

“Well, it’s hard and rough, really,” Gladius explains. “That’s all I can tell you.”

Dark waves his hand and symbols appear representing himself, Razorwing and Firestorm all connected by some series of lines. The stronger one was between Dark and Firestorm, which were pretty much overlapping.

I too am very surprised by this development.” he said. “Considering how you are able to telepathicly communicate with me, could it also stand to reason that it’s possible you could do the same with Firestorm?

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“I was just about to ask that,” Razorwing says. “Hey, Firestorm, you here?”

Bootleg continues to watch.

This is my life, he realizes. Just another normal day.

He feels something; Firestorm was getting closer. He was following something. He could also sense that Dark was…in two places simultaneously?

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@Ace “Yeah, pretty boring,” Gladius says. “Our Asphalt’s a bit more exciting… unfortunately.”

@BlackBeltGamer98 Razorwing is confused by these “feelings”.

“Care to explain what’s going on?” The Minicon asks Dark. “I’m a bit of a novice at telepathy, remember.”

He shrugs the counts from 5-0 on his fingers. He makes a pointing gesture to a nearby corner and a second later, Firestorm comes careening around it.

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