Transformers Cybertron Reborn RP topic

“No cutting,” Gladius says. “It’s a fistfight, remember?”

“Anythin’ else?” Bootleg asks.

“Yeah, try and trip them up,” Gladius continues. “By that I mean: get them arguing. The gestalt’s performance depends on the cooperation of the components. If you can get them out of sync, it’ll mess him up.”

“Hey! I was just thinking for future fights. I don’t trust them with the ‘fistfight’. I can bet that they plan to attack us now, or in the future, you know. Plus, I am not the best when it comes of fistfights. I don’t think they will be nice with me either.”

“Well don’t be nice with them, either,” Gladius advises.

“Well I’ll try to use my sword more than my fists.”

“No swords,” Gladius reminds Mordo. “It’s like a wrestling match.”

“Then I’ll fail… I’ll try, but I think I’ll fail.”

“It’s not so hard,” Gladius insists. “Just get close and start wailing on them.”

“I guess that a turtle should be slower than me.”

Gladius shrugs. “I don’t know. I didn’t get close before he combined and floored me.”

“I also guess that if they are going to play well they won’t combine.”

Gladius shrugs. “Maybe. Ironclad didn’t say anything about not using alt-modes. Just no weapons.”

“Yeah. 'Cause my alt mode is very dangerous, you know.”
He said, sarcastically.

Gladius shrugs. “You got this.”


Gladius nods.

“A blue jay can do a lot of damage…”

“I have no idea what a blue jay is,” Gladius admits.

He sighed and jumped off the chair while transforming in the blue jay.

“Well yeah,” Gladius defends himself. “We didn’t have blue jays back then.”

“…So, what can it do?”

“Well I can fly. And sing. And scream. And other useless things. I can make a blaster on my back, but this would be a weapon so…”