Transformers Cybertron Reborn RP topic

OOC: No idea, Savage’s just kinda piloting it in a random direction… using the little knowledge he has of this ancient steering system at that…

IC: “WELL MAYBE I WOULDA LET YOU DO THAT IF YOU HADN’T LEFT THE FRONT SEAT YA IDIOT!” Asphalt yelled, sharply jerking the ship to the side as he barely missed a tree.


The displays start to become a recognizable shape of the Decepticon Emblem and a fiery background. The image is only barely able to be seen and extremely garbled audio starts to reach audible range.

(Kaon Tower)

Firestorm began patching the microphone in and to reactivate his voice modulator.

OOC: pointing the receiver of the ship to Vandal would boost their signal clarity.

OOC: Also the Lich is really big. I’d say something halfway between that and a Phantom would work.


OOC: good idea. The Lich is pretty massive.

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“The 'ell… mate ya install any fishy Decepticon programs lately?” Savage called out, staring at the oddly shifting screen.


OOC: Too bad he doesn’t know that.

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"Decepticons? That must be Firestorm! Fly towards Vandal!

“Don’t let these idiots take me anywhere.” Dynamo groaned.

“They’re not usually like this!”

A voice is starting to become discernible from the static, distorted and deep, Hail O Knight of Iacon, please respond. they hear repeated every 10 seconds, the comms were locked out save a secure but heavily masked channel that was nigh impossible to trace.

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“Ya sure that’s a good idea? I really doubt they’d appreciate me going back there anytime soon!” Savage called back, still aiming the ship towards where he believed Vandal was.

“Also, shut up y’ idiot on the mic!”

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OOC: GTG, sorry.


“Sorry to do this to you, Asphalt.”

Ironclad slams Asphalt’s face into the deck with just enough force to knock him unconsious.

Asphalt gurgled, slumping as his head slammed into the ground, stilling with numerous dents formed across the visible edges of his face.

Ironclad springs to his feet and runs to help Dynamo.

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Dynamo stumbled a bit.

OOC: Traitor!

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“Yeah, so I think ya mighta installed some kinda scam-bot. Here’s to hopping you don’t got much digital Shanix stored on here!” Savage called back, jerking the ship again to avoid another tree, the wing barely scraping it as he continued to fly inexplicably low.

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The screen flickers again with a bit of code then, in (hieroglyphics), a set of landing directions is displayed for Kaon Tower. Ending line was “Se das ne tonde(?).

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“The ship is fine, it’s your piloting that’s putting us in jeopardy!”