Transformers: Salvation

He walked up towards her and looked at the cube. “I was in the middle of something with it but sure,” he said to Song. (@Toa_Vladin)

“No you weren’t. You just touched it.” Song said, not taking her eyes off the cube.

“To see what it would do?” he asked.

“I can do that too.” she said.

“Well you.” he sighed. “Whatever, at least do you know what it does?”

The examination reveals little more about the cube. It’s purpose and properties remain, for now, a mystery. It lacked even the usual cyberglyphics that adorned most Golden Age artifacts.

“Yes, because I created it.” she said, rolling her optics. “Of course I don’t! We just found it!”

Song clicked her tongue, before opening her wings.
“The other scientists need to see it.” she said, flying away towards the entrance of the Savant.

Sidestrike transformed and followed her. (@Toa_Vladin)

SideStep frowns.
“Uh… I’m here to take care of a drunk, not sit down.” He tripped over some of the words.

“Hate to break it to you, son, but I think you’re the drunk here,” Forcep replies. “Now, have a seat.”

SideStep frowned, but obliged. “I assure you, I’m not DRUNK!” He growled, slamming his fist into the table.

Forcep smirks and activates a scanning tool in his forearm, just to make sure nothing else was currently afflicting SideStep.

There was a strange phenomenon in SideStep’s memory banks, and his general brain area. Only recent memories were available in the memory bank.

Forcep frowns. This warranted further investigation.

“Lie down, please,” he requests.

SideStep frowned.
“Why? What does this have to do with finding a drunk?”

“No, it’s about a certain anomaly in your processor,” Forcep informs SideStep. “Your long-term memory banks appear to be damaged.”

“What?” SideStep frowned, confused.
“What do you mean?”

“I AINT NO STUPID HUMAN MORTAL!” Roadkill screamed
“I’m pretty sure he’s left” Aridocara sighed
“I DON’T CARE!” Roadkill screamed “I wish I took his darn briefcase too, think of all the sexy energon!”
“Roadkill, 1. We do not use that word, this is a christian minecraft server, 2. That would be stealing and illegal, 3. Leave me alone and go find that old dude, Matchy or whatever!”
“Weren’t you like in the Sahara for most of your life? And you’re pretty old!” Roadkill replied
“I SAID LEAVE!” Aridocara yelled, Roadkill left to find the bridge

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Lightshift, Thrust, and Vigor sit in their hab suite.
All three are still silent.
Vigor looks up.
“Maybe the bridge has something for us.”
Lightshift nodded. “Maybe.”

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“Hey uh, how do I hijack the Salvation?” Roadkill asked a random worker “I was thinking of asking the Admiral how but I figured you’d at least know where to find him…”