Transformers: Salvation

Forcep raises his eyebrow again.

“Shockwave?” he repeats. “Last I heard, he was still on Cybertron- probably cooking up some terrible new instrument of destruction, I’ll wager.”

“No…he was captured by the extremes group of rouge Decepticons lead by Bludgeon.” Sidewire said.

The right eyebrow of Zepar’s robot face and his dragon cannon rise to a surprising height, “Excuse me?” He asks, clearly shocked and confused.

“Wait is something wrong?” Sidewire asked looking at Zepar.

“I understand he’s important to the Decepticons but why do we want to find Shockwave and potentially attack Bludgeon and his troops in the process?” He asked, a little nervous as he remembered his very brief encounter with Lockdown.

“Because he messages us calling for help and that if we rescue him it can benefit us all.” Sidewire explained. “What’s wrong Demon Guy, you look nervous.”

“If Shockwave’s coming aboard, I want him in the brig,” Forcep voices his opinion.

######“Not that my opinion means anything here…” he grumbles.

“Sure, whatever works for you, so can you fix my friend?” Sidewire asked.

“There’s nothing to fix,” Forcep says with a shrug. “He’ll come to when he comes to. Still, it would be best to leave him here while he’s out. Less of a chance of him getting hurt here.”

“Did he claim asylum/sanctuary?” Zepar asks, almost growling.

“Can’t you give him something to speed his recovery?” he asked. “I thought you doctors are magicians,” he said.

“If you mean about what I said…then yes?” Sidewire said, squinting.

“Sorry to disappoint,” Forcep deadpans. “I hope that tragic misconception isn’t too wide-spread.”

He makes a disappointed look on his face. “Frag!” he quickly said.

“Curse me all you want,” Forcep sarcastically invites Sidewire as he turns his attention to a console.

“I didn’t curse you!” Sidewire said. “I just said it as, well that sucks…”

SideStep folded his arms.
“So, when do I get to rip out ShockWave’s spark?” He had not left the bridge, and instead glared at the hologram.

Forcep does not reply.

“…At present, that’s not part of the plan,” ■■■■■■■■■■■■ says.

“But hey, y’never know…” Broadband follows up with a shrug. “Plans change, people try and double-cross you…”

“I’ll make it part of the plan.” muttered SideStep. He looks around at the bridge, before walking out, muttering. A few words were audible, such as “Murder”, “Aft-pipe”, and “****”.

“…Well, credit where it’s due, that was pretty ominous,” Broadband comments. “Props.”

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SideStep ignored the comment as he exited the bridge. He walked through the halls.
“Hm. I heard of a ‘Little Iacon’… might be worth checking out.” He said to himself. SideStep walked towards the city.