Transformers: Salvation

A figure walked up to Gronius, it was Ace!
“Ace!” Road lord orders “Kill the animal!”
Ace raises his gun to Gronius but does not shoot

The door was closed.
“Cute?” Gronius said.
“Shut up…” Song said, a little embarrassed.

“I am notifying a security detail,” Motherboard announces.

“In the meantime,” Topside suggests, “Maybe you two should head down there yourselves.”

Road lord knocked several times

“What are you going to do about Road Lord?” she asked, worried.

“Come on… Say it! Say it!” Gronius said, punching her friendly in the shoulder.
“Ow! Gronius, stop! Come in!” she said to the door.

Road Lord opened the door
“Ace kill them!” Road Lord ordered, Ace raised his gun but did not fire

“yes, I am in search of some attack aircraft schematics.”

“What the—?!” Gronius yelled.
“What is happening here?” Song asked.

“A security detail has been notified,” Motherboard repeats herself.

Topside points a thumb at the first officer.

“The lady’s got that covered,” he says.

From Shockwave’s lab, Epsilon-5 might see, or at least hear, this altercation. @BlackBeltGamer98

“Awesome, my dude,” the drone compliments in its sophisticated accent.

“I do believe master Thrift has a few of those. Is there anything more specific you have in mind?”

She nodded shyly, before turning to her ursagryph mode and swooping out, expecting Aridocara (@TheOnlyGuyWhoLikesMistika) to follow.

"I need an alt-mode, that is basically a metal bathtub, with wings, engines, and guns. It also needs to have extreme redundancy if possible. As in I could loose a wing and an engine and still fly home.

“I’ve improved your friend, he seemingly had a crush on you’re girlfriend here so I think things will be fixed!” Road lord smiles

Wildsong and Gronius looked at each other confused for a few seconds, before both yelling in the first time:
Wildsong seemed genuinely confused by the idea that Ace had a crush on her, while Gronius seemed actually irritated, maybe even angry.

“Well no time to ponder now, time to die!” Road Lord smiles maliciously

“No, you samurai knock off!” Gronius said angrily. “Is this a joke? A prank?”
“Broadwing come here right now! Right now! Right now!” Song said in her comms.

The drone bobs in midair, trying to simulate a nod.

“I have just the thing,” it says, drifting over to a shelf. It pulls out a datacard, which projects a green hologram of an A-10 Warthog:

“Master thrift always gets this one confused with the land-based vehicle from Halo, on account of the name,” the drone mentions. “This one has been modified to allow it to perform in space, as well.”

'Excellent. how much?"

Suddenly a bright red car races after Road Lord, it was blasting cheesy 80’s rock music: Alpha

“Only 100 shanix, sir,” the drone responds.

Road Lord was not giving chase, he was standing still. If the car would not stop, then it would crash into him, Ace and Gronius.
“Broadwing, for god’s sake! Come here!” (@MaxinePrimal)
“No! We don’t need Broadwing!” Gronius yelled ashe punched Ace’s gun to a side, before attempting to jump on him.