Transformers: Twilight of the Golden Age Part II

Teletraan Iota does not respond, however it does note that its’ contributions seem to have been appreciated; it was fulfulling its’ duty.

Quickly, however carefully, Nightfall and Salvage move the memorial they had constructed into the hab-suite.

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whetstone watches the whole thing. “This is amazing.”
He stands there, amazed and truly happy for the first time in…a long time.

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The NPCs stay with Whetstone for a while more as the Excalibur begins to leave Concordia’s orbit.

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Finally, Whetstone turns to the NPCs. “Thank you all so much for this. I hate to do this, but I think we all should get some rest. We have a long trip ahead of us.”
He turned to Daybreak. "Thank you especially, Daybreak. You have some a great job leading us. Don’t let Treadfin’s death discourage you. "
With that, Whetstone shook everybody’s hand and walked to his Hab Suite to recharge.

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Bidding Whetstone farewell, the NPCs go their separate ways. A minute later, the Excalibur jumps to Transwarp, bound for Muto.

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“Uh… sure?”

He holds out the Enigma and tries to get it to activate.

@BlackBeltGamer98 @ToaNoah_Wafflemeister the Enigma of Combination activates, merging Seraphicon and Coalburn into a gestalt.

Myriad searches for Hammer, so as to get to know him better.

Hammer has just left the sickbay and was wondering to the bar.

Myriad walked to the bar. “Maybe he’ll be here.”

As Hammer made his way to the bar, he entered in the bar. He then walked and sat next to the bar table.

Myriad spotted him and walked over. “Hi. It’s Hammer, right?”

“Hmm ?” said Hammer as he did not expect someone right now. “Oh yes. That is correct, My name is Hammer. And you must be ?” asked Hammer politely.

“I’m Myriad.”

“It is a honor to meet you, Myriad.” said Hammer humbly.

“Same with you. You’re from Bellator, right?”

“Yes, I’m from Bellator. And you ?”

“I’m cybertronian, but I lived on Vergrandia for a while after the Heralds took over.”

“Interesting, but may I ask. How did you know about my name and where I come from. Because I haven’t meet you before.” asked Hammer.