Transformers: Twilight of the Golden Age Part II

“Sounds like a good idea, where shall we meet?” He asked.

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“Well the Bar, where else.” Hydro said.

“I’ll meet you there.” Auros replied.

“Alright see ya there.” Hydro said closing the coms.

“Hey Hammer wanna grab a drink before we depart to Cybertron?” Hydro asked.

“Sure.” Hammer replied.

“Alright because Auros is there as well, so lets go.” Hydro said as he made his way towards the Bar, Hydro was followed by Hammer.

Auros was waiting for them.

Hammer and Hydro arrived, Auros could see the two.

“There is my favorite old bot.” Hydro said still able to joke and crack a smile although they have lost the Matrix.

“Pleasure to meet you again.” Hammer said to Auros.

Sparkplug was staying in the bar.
M: “Good drinks they have here.”
Sp: “Yeah…”
M: “What’s wrong with you, champ?”
Sp: “We just got released and the whole ship was heavily damaged.”
G: “Well it’s good that we were freed right before that happened.”
F: “That’s the fool’s luck.”

Auros nodded and motions for them to enter.

Hammer and Hydro Rex entered the Bar.

Auros followed them in.

Hecate sat down on an engine to take a break.
“It certainly is no that easy!” she said, smiling to Seraphicon, while breathing hardly.

“Hmm alright let’s seat here.” Hydro said as he pointed to a table with three chairs for them to sit.

“I’ll get something to drink.” Hydro said as he went to the Bar’s main section and grabbed three energex.

Hammer sat down as well did Hydro he gave him a drink and to Auros’s place.

Auros politely refused, asking for regular Energon instead as he took his seat.

Seraphicon nods to Hecate, “Indeed it is.” He said.

“And we need to do this for the entire freaking ship?”

“Alright sorry, your not much of a drinker.” Hydro said as he took the energex and replaced it with a normal regular Energon.

Hydro sits on his chair and drinks a bit.

Hammer decided to say something. “So where are you going?” Hydro asked. “To Cybertron or Optimus’s colony.”

“No worries,” Auros said, “I’m going to Cybertron.”

“Possibly.” Seraphicon shrugged.

She started to laugh, exhausted.
“This will take a while.”
She decided to change subjects.
“So… What happened to the guy who destroyed Clara’s body?”

@MaxinePrimal @MichaelTheLightBringer @meepinater @Toa_Vladin @ToaNoah_Wafflemeister @BlackBeltGamer98 @Ace

In the sparkchamber of the Chaos Bringer, Unicron, the battered and bloody Nemesis Prime limps and staggers his way into the main atrium of the massive organ, the Dead Matrix aglow in his burst-open chest, the other three Heralds close behind. The Sparkchamber rumbles, and muffled explosions are heard through the walls as a battle between the false Prime’s Terrorcons and the forces of the Cybertronian Commonwealth rages around the organ and the metal hills around the Well of All Sparks and the Hydrax Plateau. Nemesis cared not- soon, it would not even matter.

With a choked gasp, Nemesis Prime tears the Dead Matrix from his chest cavity and wraps his hands tightly around the shell, heaving and tugging to force it open. Slowly, agonizingly so, locks around the core begin to undo themselves each with a click, and the core of the Dead Matrix beats like some sick, evil heart. As Nemesis continues, the beating grows louder, and faster, until at last it was a continuous, pounding rhythm that echoed throughout the chamber. Nemesis Prime snarls and resorts to clawing at the shell, like a mad beast at its’ prey, until at last it burst open.

A spiny, black tendril lashes out from the exposed core of the Dead Matrix, sinking deep into Nemesis Prime’s sparkchamber. The false Prime emits a strangled cry and drops to his knees as more tendrils whip outward and embed themselves in the walls of the atrium. Nemesis Prime howls in terrible agony as the unfettered remnant energies of the Chaos Bringer course through his frame, and his body begins to painfully transform. The other three heralds- even Ramjet- watch with horror.

As this was happening, the Excalibur’s engines are repaired. The ship was now ready to depart for Trecedim.

Ironclad leaves the ship and stands near the docking cradle, the Triptych Mask secure on his face and with Rhisling in hand. Those who wanted to go to Cybertron, preferably those who held the relics of the Thirteen- sans the Forge and the Matrix- would want to go to him.


“You are?” Hammer said as he drank. “So are we…and I see you got the Star Saber with you.”

Hydro almost spits his drink but he hold it in." Wow you got a powerful relic too?" Hydro asked amazed. “Hammer here is the first one like ever to get the Requiem Blaster, so him Hammer.”

Hammer applies as he showed Auros the Blaster as he place it on the table.

“My place is with my people and to fight alongside them.” Auros told them as he drank his Energon.

“We’ll need the Forge for Trecedim.” Seraphicon told Hecate.