Transformers: Twilight of the Golden Age

OOC: forgot how fast these RPs move

IC: Hardshot probably doesn’t happen upon them, unless his path manages to cross the group’s path to the Howling Wastes.

@Chromeharpoon Dicius was examining the tomb, ignoring the profesionals.

@Chromeharpoon and @ToaNoah_Wafflemeister
Ironjaw transfor ed to his Chompazoid mode and looked unimpressed at the people around him.
“So we stopped for chatting with a stranger.” He said, unimpressed with his loud voice. “Very impressive. I am sorry eco-bot, but we were already heading to a place where we could find a full and built one. We don’t need to find the parts to build one, which may be even more dangerous.”

Hardshot would then find the valley uninhabited, having just missed Salvage.

Soon, it was discovered that all twelve sarcophagi were empty.

The goons were standing in a small, cubic chamber.

Dicius tried to hide his dissapointment.

The tomb’s discovery had since been reported on the datanet.

The convoy bound for Iacon was continuing its’ journey, undetered by today’s events.

Night had now fallen on Iacon, the city lights threatening to drown out the stars. The two moons, Hecate and Artemis, hung in the dark sky.

Dicius was looking for the others.

Above the convoy there was a black Insecticon.

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One of the helicopters escorting the convoy moved behind the insecticon, ordering her to leave.

The Insecticon just dissipated.

The helicopters fan out to search for her. ATVs near the hauler remain close to the vehicle.

A laser hit the engine of the helicopter.

OOC: again, please be careful not to autohit.

IC: the helicopter spirals to the ground. The remaining ones and the ATVs deploy stasis weapons.

OOC: I don’t think that it is an autohit. I could have said “Warya shot to the engine” but I don’t think that it would make any difference.
IC: Since they couldn’t see Warya, she shot to another helicopter.

The helicopter transforms to robot mode, landing on the roof of the hauler and now unable to fly.

She tried to shot him again to get rid of him.

The helicopter blocks the shot with a shield and fires in the direction it came from.

Warya flew away and became visible again. And then she became invisible again and shot five shots to the fallen helicopter.

OOC: okay, going forward, the ability needs a short cooldown. Maybe about a minute

IC: the guard fell off the hauler.

She shot the other guards before she had to make a cooldown.

There were four ATVs, all firing upon Warya. It might be best to simply grab the relic and leave as fast she can.

She looked for the relic.