Tren Krom Cthulu Beast [model concept]

In the latest episode of Brainstorm, they talked about the sea monster from Gali’s backstory and decided it will be a Cthulu like beast named after Tren Krom. Here is an idea as to how that could look.

There is obviously stuff that could be changed, but it IS just something I threw together in under two hours in LDD…So what did you expect?

So, I just realized I should probably put a picture of the changes made in the opening post, so…


That looks REALLY good for someone like Tren Krom. I’m wondering if some tentacles should be moved to his limbs as well, but I like it as it is.

I’m definitely adding this design to my Kal list!


Since he’s supposed to be this strange creature that shouldn’t exist in Akida’s waters, I don’t think he should have a humanoid body (or at least not as much of one). I see him more as a Krakken-like beast than the man-squid form of Cthulu.

Maybe even have that head on an eel-like body, similar to Prpl’s Tarakava design. I guess arms would still work with that design (either long like Tarakava or regular).


Like this?


I definitely think a more Atlantis octopusman design would look better, also not feeling how blocky the arms are.
I suggest rounding out the arms, and filling his lower half with tentacles, like a ton of them,(maybe with a few of them resembling a squids larger tentacles) also, maybe some tentacles sprouting from his back and rising up behind his shoulders?


It is difficult to add a large amount of anything limb like, but how is this?


you could add 8 smaller tentacles(like the ones on the head) over top of those big ones using the 2x2 plate with an octagon of clips, if you can figure out how to integrate it into the waist.
I still think some tentacles rising up from his back would improve his appearance.


Because of how I built the waist, it is actually quite simple to add that.
I am honestly surprised that I did not think of it.
How is this?


They could be a bit longer, but the design is getting there fast, I think just making those tentacles longer, and maybe try adding a few small tentacles next to the ones on the back,
Also looking at it, the shoulders are a little bare on top of the torso, something as simple as some nexo power pieces to cover the grey and add some shaping would help immensely.


Like this perhaps? It is getting a bit cramped on the back, so I don’t think I could add any more tentacles in LDD.


Yeah, I think you’ve got it here. This design really looks good and gets the aesthetic right. And if Lego were to go all into a new line based on the concept I could see this build along with a bit of scenery and 2 or 3 figs as a set. I like it.

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bana-bana banana hands
why tho

the moc is amazing, BUT!, I cant get over those arms, maybe a more reptilian look for them?
something like this

or maybe like this


That looks great, though perhaps the larger tentacles could be a bit closer to them, not that it looks bad now mind,
I imagine the physical build would have a cloth piece attached to the smaller tentacles to create a webbing between them(like an octopus), but that’s not really feasible for ldd.
honestly my only complaint now is that the arms look kinda stilted and awkward compared to everything else, I would just use ccbs personally, with a size 3 bone, a size one shell and the star wars shoulder add-on,(see the Detroit steel set) it’s probably the easiest way to get the shaping right.
The hands are ok, but I would add a bit of s.n.o.t. building to make them less flat on the sides.

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@Payinku That shell does not seam to be in LDD, so I will go with @Asriel’s idea.
What do you mean by “perhaps the larger tentacles could be a bit closer to them”?
In regards to the banana fingers, you should be glad I didn’t use chicken leg thumbs!
How are these arms/hands?


The points where they connect to the body seem a little far apart to me, the block underneath the smaller ones looks kind of odd.

Those arms are alright, I just thought my idea fit more with the generally rounded design, these look a bit too blocky compared to the tentacles.

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Ah, I see now. Well, because of how that part is built, they can not get any closer. If I were to switch to Mixel joints it could be closer, but I do not think they would be able to support his weight.

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