TTV Episode 196 Discussion

Check Episode 196 out over on Vessel right now! This week, we discuss assorted BIONICLE news and have a prolonged discussion about cheese.



Ghosts confirmed for 2018! 'cuz the line will be dead.

Top Notch episode even if there’s only a little bit of news. Anyway, in the episode Meso brought up why MNOG is so great, and I just wanna say even today It’s a great way to introduce G1 to somebody. Not only is it a fun puzzle adventure, but it presents relate-able characters to show the world of Mata Nui. We never got something like that in G2 yet it’s all about the heroes’ exploits, and even if kids aspire to be the hero, I doubt the animations and books really draw them in. 2001 was a mystery that got the Viewer involved in figuring it out, so of course they would want to see how the rest of it played out.

On to a tangential discussion topic from the show, picky eating. I have been Accused of being a picky eater myself. I don’t like fish, the fish I do eat are the ones with no flavor. I just want to cheer on @Viper and anybody who has been Persecuted for not appreciating things they dislike.


Boy, this was a pretty cheesy episode.


What an episode.


I loled so hard at the Steward Sagger mini-roast :grinning:

what is even going on with the Toa’s weapons


Sorry but can I say how cringe worthy the vessel ad with eljay is

But other than that the episode was good