So some of you have seen my silly interpretations of the podcasts on the podcast discussion topics, and at the suggestion of Eljay, they have their own topic now!
I won’t be re-uploading them here, but I’ll post the links to where you can find the previous episodes for those interested.
I recommend checking them out as I will do call-backs to previous jokes.But, you don’t have to, not all that big issue really. Just some of the jokes won’t be as funny.
Anyways, enjoy!
Waterboarding. Excellent start to a toy-centric podcast.
And slashing wrists to finish. Just wow.
Ghosts confirmed for 2018! 'cuz the line will be dead.
Top Notch episode even if there’s only a little bit of news. Anyway, in the episode Meso brought up why MNOG is so great, and I just wanna say even today It’s a great way to introduce G1 to somebody. Not only is it a fun puzzle adventure, but it presents relate-able characters to show the world of Mata Nui. We never got something like that in G2 yet it’s all about the heroes’ exploits, and even if kids aspire to be the hero, I doubt the animations and books really draw them in. 2001 was a mystery that got the Viewer involved in figuring it out, so of course they would want to see how the rest of it played out.
On to a tangential discussion topic from the show, picky eating. I have been Accused of being a picky eater myself. I don’t l…
Episode 203
Meh… I had a funnier idea with Peso/Opto meso, but I forgot about it, so this happened instead.
The REAL 7th Toa. Forget Voriki and Takanuva. It’s Toa Eljay!
insert funny joke that I’m too out of it to think of.
No offence to anyone on BZP. Just going off the podcast.
If you haven’t seen the episode interp. of 201 this one won’t be as funny.
(Again, see episode 201)
I will be uploading more to this page with every podcast.
Thanks for checking this out!
Have a good one!
so many links
but insane at the same time
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Thanks! …I think? Ha ha!
so many links
Yeah… there’d be quite a lot of pictures if I didn’t post links instead, and my internet is being slow for some reason, so making this topic as is has been difficult enough already ha ha!
Glad these get their own topic now. I always enjoy your MS Paint representations of the podcast. The Uni-Kitty Kahi bit destroyed me.
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Thank you! I’m glad you enjoy them!
Very nice work and I appreciate the effort.
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I am goint watch this there great
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Thank you! Glad you think they’re great!
July 14, 2016, 5:58pm
Dancing Eljay Bridge.
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Even though I only spent 20 or so minutes on that, I’m glad people like it.
So, thank you!
TTV Civil War Interp:
So… Here’s my entry!
I was originally going to do a bunch of animations for this
Some family issues came up and I lost motivation to do it and then ran out of time when everything settled back down to normal, so I couldn’t finish the animations.
So, instead, I decided to make a HISHE/Interpretation of the Civil War April Fools joke (which is apparently popular for these entries).
And I included the two animations I actually finished.
This is an episode filled to the very last second, so stay for the whole thing!
Hopefully you all enjoy it!
And late Happy 2 Year Anniversary!!!
[ - YouTube]
Also… Headphone wearers…
You’ll know when.
Oh, also.
I need to mention:
It has been the bane of my existence the last few n…
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