TTV Episode 206 Discussion

Bionicle canceled


Yus! been waiting for this!

(Also, it has been 99 episodes since your RETURN OF BIONICLE Podcast)


All right, I finished a little bit ago.
Meso, you’re amazing.


First of all… Daaaaaaang meso I’m not even as big of a bionicle fan as some of the other people here but after that speech I feel pumped up to do anything right now


@Mesonak you were lit at the end of this podcast it was an amazing speech. :fire:

I’m happy bionicle came back it does suck that it ended, but what I have to thank about g2 was. That I found TTV, joined the message boards and met some really cool and talented people here.

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That speech was :ok_hand:.

Seriously, though. I hadn’t realized how bad the ending was until you guys talked about it. It was baaaaaaaaaad.

Which is sad because the first parts of the episode had some good potential. They could have ended with Umarak getting defeated, Gali stuck in the Shadow Realm and the Toa fighting an unleashed Makuta.


It could have been great…


I just had a thought. The LEGO Twitter said it was a ‘Business Decision’, right? This is conspiracy level stuff, but what if Disney said “Stop BIONICLE so the Star Wars constraction can sell more or we’ll pull out on our licensing deal.”? That would account for the business decision part. They would rather quit one of their own IPs instead of lose Star Wars, Disney Princesses, and whatever future lines they could make.


You know Meso if you guise played the Matoran theme while you and Eljay were making y’all’s speeches it would’ve made it EVEN MOAR emotionally engaging tho… just a personal opinion…


This podcast is really making me think. It will probably be one of my favorites.


@Eljay @Mesonak You guys got it wrong for the combo of Makuta. It’s not Terak, but Ikir that is needed.

You guys talked about all the plot holes in JtO. I gave them a little thought, and here’s my solutions(JtO spoilers, obviously):

1. **The Crystal door that Upgrades Ekimu**. The Toa knew this was a thing already, because Ekimu used it to upgrade them. That explains why they weren't surprised by Ekimu's upgrade, and how they were upgraded. 2. **Agil's death(?)**. Agil flies into Ekimu, disappears, and Ekimu blasts Umarak. This confused me a lot, but then I recalled that Ekimu mentioned Agil's power: he can show people things. He can't actually use his own light powers offensively (if he could, why would he only scratch Umarak with his claws?). And he can't unite with Ekimu, since he doesn't have a Mask of Unity. And Ekimu doesn't have light powers. So there was only one thing left: Agil sacrifices himself, and Ekimu becomes a Vessel for Agil's power, blasting Umarak. And it weakens Umarak, but also bathes him in light energy: the one element that he was missing. Umarak was bathed in that energy, and that's why Makuta pulled him into the vortex: he needed all the elements. 3. **Why did that downgrade Ekimu?** Well, that's because... someone accidentally deleted the EtMM model. Yeah, I don't have any clue on that one. 4. **Why Wasn't Ekimu trapped in the Shadow Realm?** He was in the blast radius, too. Well, he WAS trapped. In spirit, anyway. Then, six Toa come along and "awaken" him. Or rather, they brought his spirit back from the Shadow Realm. 5. **Where'd the Prophecy of Light come from?** Well, Ekimu is stuck in the Shadow realm. So he carves the Prophecy for Gali to find. After all, he knows that she'll be coming. 6. **Wait, then how come the Toa didn't die when they Revived Ekimu?** Easy. There's a huge difference between transporting a non-physical spirit and a physical being. Umarak used the MOUP to open a physical door, not just a spiritual one. It takes a lot more power to close that. 7. **How did the beasts work?** I had to really think about this one, and I don't have a perfect answer, but I do have an answer. It's obvious that JtO ignores other story material, so it ignored the MoCo's power from a product description (mind control). The beast are an anachronism of nature: they are made out of elemental crystals (You know, those things that gave the masks there power?), with a Shadow Trap transformed into "duplicates" of the Mask Of control, each one piloting a elemental crystal "mech". When the Toa destroy the Beasts, they immediately begin pulling the elemental crystals together to make a new mech. That is, until the Toa smash the masks.

And now JtO part 2 makes some semblance of sense.

Although I don’t know why they made the Groundskeeper an earth villager instead of Stone. That was just dumb.



When you listen to Meso’s speech.


The more I consider this, the more it makes sense.


So close to magic triple didgets. That must sting.

Var’s frustration perfectly echo’s my own


Really miffed about not getting the MoUP in set form (honestly, if the mask exists solely for that contest video, with no public release at all, then it seems like a waste of time and materials IMO - especially if the mask is not going to be used for anything else in the future).

Also very not happy about no building instructions for building the JtO Makuta (I figured that since the JtO Makuta was a combo model, I could build him for myself, but now it’s harder than it needs to be).


That ending segment…on point. I can’t express in text how much that means to me, hopefully my future actions and the actions of the community as a whole will provide a more articulate reaction, be it for better or for worse.

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Huh… I didn’t think anything could make me have a more biased and unreasonable animosity towards Disney besides my ex but this makes a lot if sense…

It also explains why they don’t have something ready to take BIONICLE’s place, and why they said it’d be a while before something would. Man, if Disney really is the cause, it burns me up inside. They’re more of a parasite to LEGO and the creative integrity of its designers. LEGO’s hands are tied… they couldn’t give us a Makuta set and a MoUP set even if they want to, and they might have really wanted to. This whole thing seemed to go directly against everything we know about LEGO’s business practices. It’d almost have to be an outside force.


Wow, Meso’s speech was incredible, someone should write up a transcript of that so I can save it somewhere.

Well this was a fun ride, Bionicle G2. I’m glad I experienced it with TTV there along the way. Though this journey is over, the adventure has yet to end, I look forward to sticking with you guys for the rest of your adventure as well, wherever that may lead.


Yay, I’m not the only one who has one of those!

The timing is a little sketchy, but then again, the ‘timing’ is speculative anyway. Because the first wave of Star Wars constraction came out summer '15 (if I remember correctly), which would be around the time JtO S2 was in development (which of course is the speculative bit), and the skull villain wave release. So, Disney may have seen BIONICLE dipping slightly, just slightly into their sales, and since they’re such an evil corporation, decided to take out the competition. No more BIONICLE means more Star Wars constraction sets get sold.

I know this is a pretty big conspiracy theory I’ve created, but if it is true it would NOT surprise me. Disney in my eyes is just plain evil (I mean, they practically have a monopoly on the film market with LucasFilm and MARVEL), and I could see LEGO not wanting to lose Star Wars. Which, if Disney were to take that away from them would still be dumb because LucasFilm was the company that gave them the rights to do so, not Disney.

Disney taking away the rights would be like a 7 year old letting his friend keep a toy that he no longer wants, but then the kid gets a new step-parent and demands that the friend give the toy back.