TTV MB-verse: displaced (RP topic)

It turned, “Vladin?” He asked. A hand reached to where his own neck would be. “What’s happening? Why do I sound like Autotune is bugging out my voice?” He asked.

“Oh, man!” his confusion was slowly being replaced by happiness. “I always wanted to meet you in the real life! I guess this is the closest I will get but eh!” he said, shrugging comically at the end.

Excuse moi?” He said in French, “What’s going on?” He taps the side of his head inquisitively and the mess flickers to show…red skin? Okay, that’s not normal.

“Why do I feel like I’m barely holding together?”

Justin turned to BlackBeltGamer. “Try to concentrate. Feel yourself in this world.” He suggested

“What in the fiery pits of Karzahni is going o-?!” He yelled as he suddenly froze, jittering a bit every so often.

“You are talking like you perfectely understand the situation.” Vladin said unimpressed to Justin before turning back to Blackbelt.
“Have you met the Antivirus?”
@BlackBeltGamer98 @Mctoran

Bernard who was stuck in Azure’s topic simply looked for an exit before he would be noticed by her so he tried too find another exit. As he did so he considered if they actually were stuck in the TTV message boards for real wouldn’t it feature a similar layout as to the site maybe. Then another issue arose how in the world should he be able to travel vertically when there’s barely any stairs or ladders going in that direction.


The Glitchmaster was in his lair with Xirdar. “Excellent work. You almost beat him.” The Glitchmaster said, squeezing his fingers together. “What is wrong with you guys? You need to step it up!” He said, clapping his hands together to emphasize his point.

Glitch was nowhere to be seen.

A dark mass of data began to assimilate into a humanoid form, "Perhaps you need to try different tactics to deal with these threats?" asked a scrambled voice that was coming from the general direction of the rising amalgam of code.

A colorful swirling tunnel was visible, with several figures through the other side.

Bernard took note of the swirling tunnel and headed its way. Again he was very careful not to get Azure’s attention.

BlackBelt flickered like a Star Wars hologram on the fritz as he tried to focus and calm down. He eventually settled on a shape, but not until after a clump of black…stuff ejected from his spine and vanishing into thin air.

“I don’t think I’ve met something like that.” He said, his voice much clearer.

OOC: see signup topic for updated image.

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“Were you sucked into your device?”
OOC: Gtg.

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He shrugs. “I was checking the boards as I usually do and then I see a bright light and end up in a place that looks like Picaso and M. C. Escher(?) barfed LEGO’s and papers.” He said, obviously confused.

The data amalgamation took a more solid form, “Now, what can I do to help in the grand conquest of this place?” The man asked Glitchmaster, wearing a black coat with the shadows of his hood completely hiding his face. (@Mctoran ? @meepinater ?)

A Lego brick flew out of a smaller tunnel and landed on the ground. It sprouted legs and arms, as well as a bow tie and fedora. “Good day,” it said, “I am Brock Brick. I will be your guide through the CC section.”

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BlackBelt looked down to see the entity, a curious look to his face.

“As you all may know, a mysterious threat has entered the system. There have been several glitches,” the brick turned towards Vladin and the others, “some of which I believe you have encountered.”

“Glitches?” BlackBelt asked.

“Yes. Glitches. In the form of your opposites.” Brock held out a hand, and several pixels came together to form Xirdar. “Recognize this?” He asked Radrix.
