Unpopular Opinions about LEGO

My Gavla isn’t even built, so many of her pieces are cracked beyond use

Here’s one:

The more I think about it, the more I like the Super Mario sets. Okay, maybe not the sets as much as the builds for the characters, but some sets look really good.

I can’t imagine a minifigure-scale Goomba looking very good, or a Koopa Troopa. The theme would require so many specific new parts that it’d almost feel indistinguishable from the Knex sets (besides being ten times better, because it’s LEGO). I dunno, that’s just my take on it.

Plus, the more I see of the game with Mario, the more fun it actually looks to me.

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The rahaga are cool.


I concur

That didn’t go well for you, did it?

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define continue
the fandom is still here :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, by continue, I meant that new sets coming out. But I guess you’re right, in some ways bionicle is continuing.

Hence “unpopular opinion.”


No they don’t.

I don’t like Hero Factory.

At all.


I despise it.


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I’d rather not explain too much. I’ll end up trailing off into an intense tirade that I’d probably get banned for.

But to summarize the biggest reasons,

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Yeah, that seems pretty accurate.

The sets were cool, though.

My unpopular opinion: I like Bionicle and Hero Factory equally as much. I just enjoy both of them for their own merits, and don’t see anything wrong with that.


I think I feel the same way. Hero Factory (arguably) had slightly better sets, but Bionicle had a much better story.

The Hero Factory story is garbage, but it’s good garbage. If it wasn’t garbage, I wouldn’t like it as much. I can’t say the same about modern Ninjago, however, which I feel is actual garbage.

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My Unpopular Opinions about LEGO (be prepared):

  • The pilot season of Ninjago was good, and every other season has been pretty awful, with only the occasionally redeeming episode. Set/minifigure designs are ok.

  • Zane was a more interesting character before he was a robot.

  • While the classic Lego games were always great, not all the news ones are bad (DC Super Villains was a blast.)

  • Lego Movie 2 was as good as, if not better than, Lego Movie 1.

  • Chima had unrealized potential. It never tapped into it, but it was there.

  • Lego Universe was flawed. Great idea, but nowhere near as a good of an actual game experience as people say it was. Still better than the other two Lego MMO’s we got, though.

  • Lego Racers 1 > Lego Racers 2

  • Bionicle actually had a very well-written story and didn’t succeed just because it looked cool or it hit the market at the right time. It wasn’t flawless, but it’s vastly more sophisticated and powerful than a story primarily written to sell toys to eight-year-olds has any right to be.

  • That said, Hero Factory should have leaned fully into the self-acknowledging humour (Hero Factory FM, Call Center) rather than try to be Bionicle and tell a linear, deep, interconnected story. Bionicle was great, but by trying to be Bionicle, Hero Factory was always going to end up as the little brother. It should have just been confident in just being Hero Factory, cheesy humour and all.

  • Uniters > Masters.

  • And kind of a tangent here, but Mega Brands isn’t bad. Mega Blocks (all the brick-built stuff) is bad, but they used to do all sorts of cool stuff like those Dragon eggs, and 6000rpm motorized spinning tops that you could steer magnetically. It’s a shame they’ve kind of just fallen into being a cheap Lego competitor and stopped doing original stuff.


Haha yes finally someone understands

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Forgive the likely terrible formatting, I’ve never started a topic before. I also checked to make sure this hasn’t been brought up in a long time. Onto the point:

What are your unpopular opinions on Bionicle sets/pieces? I’ll start with mine.

I like the Vahki, I think they’re improvements of the Rahkshi, the trasformation makes the sets unique in the grand scheme of sets

I like Skull Basher and his mask

The stars aren’t THAT bad, but that might just be nostalgia

While the '03 Matoran had good articulation, their bodies were hideous

The Tarakava combiner/alternate model has a terrible upper body, the lower body looks nice, but they should’ve saved a bit more pieces to use on the upper body so it didn’t look that gangly

Onua Mistika is a fairly good adaptation of Onua Nuva, if they made him hunched back, and made the mask a little more like the Pakari, it’d be great

That’s all I can think of, if I think of more, I’ll make sure to add them, I’d love to hear your unpopular opinions, and your thoughts on my opinions, have an excellent day!

More opinions:

The Metru build is terrible, their body looks super weird, and the arms permanently at an angle isn’t good.

Sets being gappy isn’t that big of a deal, they’re b i o m e c h a n i c a l.

Oh, okay, this got merged, I made the thread to be specific to Bionicle set design, but it’s not that big of a deal.

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The lore isn’t as important as most people think it is
oh gosh what have I done


Besides the clown feet, the toa masters sets were a huge improvement on the mata sets.
The arm designs on the Toa Hagah are weird and reduce articulation.


I like the bohrok kal I think that it was good to get some silver for Matoran builds
I too like the Bionicle stars because I think there piece are great for Matoran builds
I liked most of the Bionicle movies (besides from the first one)
I don’t feel that we need a g3 from LEGO we can just do contests for story’s and such.