What Grinds Your Gears?

People who are obsessed over celebrities who have done stupid trivial things.


People who like Harry Potter. Now, before a bunch of people get mad at me, I like it too. What I’m talking about, are the people who like NOTHING BUT Harry Potter, and its the only thing they talk about. I’ve met two people like this. One of these people cut in to a conversation I was having with a friend about Age of Utron, and said I was dumb for wanting to watch that movie, and that I should watch Harry Potter instead.


You should. I hear it has more than six heroes.



And more than one destiny.


wat de wat.

This is somewhat boards related but I find it kinda spammy when people make topics to announce that they are leaving the boards. Sometimes its from users I barely recognize and most of the time they are only gone for a short period. The only time it is really necessary is if you are working on some sort of project that people are actively tracking on or participating in or if you are staff. Even still you don’ have to make it a topic. Content creators can mention it in a post in what ever the pertaining topic is and the mod appreciation topic can function similarly for staff. Otherwise I don’t think people are going to assume you are dead if you take a vacation because you haven’t said anything in the yes/no topic for a while.

(Ironically after months of absence @BioRaiders532 whom some of us actually wondered if he died decides to come back right when I post this)


You know, that’s a really good viewpoint. More people should go out in style: Fading into the background…

I are back BB


So i was checking out the creative content (for the first time), and I saw on every MOC topic, a flame war. People were coming out and saying “I hate your MOC”! People had to defend themselves from others on the site! This is what grinds my gears.

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I’m fairly certain you are seeing one of two things:

1): Sarcasm or
2): Critique and response.

I haven’t seen outright hatred in those topics, and if there were, it would likely lead to banning. MOC Critique on the boards is usually constructive, although some people take it as an insult.


Shia LeBouf. I cannot look at any of those videos and laugh. They just annoy me too much.

probably because they hit too close to home


slime is really shia


[quote=“Political_Slime, post:676, topic:4132”]
Shia LeBouf

Another from me: People who say that people with autism need to be “cured” really grinds my gears.


When someone comments “Am I the only one who thinks ____?” when they clearly aren’t.


What grinds my gears is text speech. I understand shorthand is nice sometimes, but when a conversation looks something like this:
Hi how r u?
gr8, u?
aight, lol
wdyt we should do?
N/M, food?
(end) then it’s a problem, and I’ve seen way worse… What’s sad is I had to look up the meanings of some of those… Can’t we take two seconds and at least TRY to write the correct word/spelling? Communication is key, and when a message looks like it’s encoded when it’s not, that’s a problem.
… ok, I think I’m done. (Slowly steps off soap box)



People say I’m weird for typing in proper English.


I will never understand why people say that. Excuse us for using the correct form of the language we are speaking… I’m on the soap box again aren’t I?


Every single Xbox 360 game I own that isn’t mahvel 3.

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When people use ‘‘u’’ as ‘‘you’’ and always have to use millions of !!!'s at the end of their sentences.


I’m so glad I’m not the only one who thinks that! :wink: