You decide what happens next!

Pizza bazookas. The minions were actually dank and death memes.

Great Guy smashed them all, and transformed back into a normal Toa Good guy

I’ve decided I really want to make a toa good guy

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(Between toa_vladin and jakander’s post)

Great guy thought it was all over, but then, a great sword of light shot out from his hand.

Solek came to good guy and said, this will be you weapon good guy, use it only for good!” But before Solek could finish his sentence good guy was already…

Running away. “Good Guy!” Solek yelled, then decided to reveal his true form. “I am the Barron Blade!” and transformed back into Toa Form

Good guy asked Barron blade, “why would you disgise yourself as the great spirit Solek?” Barron replied, “Isnt it obvious? I want the great spirit robot for myself and your only getting in my way!” Barron Blade was about to shoot good guy when flying from the sky to save good guy came…

Good Guy! The 2008 one…

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… because this world cannot escape sin. And so…

He cut off Barron Blade’s head, only to find out it was a fake.

This guy joined the party:

…that guy died because some memes deserve to die…

But he slowly revived and started to laugh.

Barron blade summoned his soldiers to serve as a distraction so he could escape…

Deez nut guy followed him.

2008 good guy was then swiftly killed by barron blade’s soldiers.

Solek began to double over and cough. “Good Guy… Don’t hesitate to kill the Barron just because he’s possessing me…” Then he was taken over by the Barron again.

good guy attempted to follow, but barron blade had escaped. frustrated, good guy continued his journey to the hype train wreck…

When he got got inside the hype train, it started rolling again.

good guy noticed a plaque on the train: TO COMMEMORATE THOSE WHO LOST THEIR LIVES IN THE HYPE TRAIN CRASH OF '16, DURIING BIONICLE G2’S CANCELLATION. The train was picking up speed. Good guy reached for the brakes, but noticed the engine was missing! he couldn’t stop the train. Good guy jumped out of the train and rolled onto the ground as the train drove off a cliff and exploded in a giant fireball. “great, where am I going to find the engine now?” groaned good guy. “Need help?” said a voice behind him. Good guy turned around and saw the toa McMahri!

“We can give you a ride.” said McHahli. they got into the toa terrain crawler and drove into the ocean…

Dude just edit it in

The Barron attacked with a fleet of club penguin submarines!