14k Gold Hau Scam?

So pretty much everyone knows about Shapeways, and their ability to make pretty much anything that can be made from plastic/metal. So I was browsing for Bionicle stuff and I stumbled upon this.

Since it looks almost exactly like the '01 Hau and you have the ability to make it out of gold, could/would someone take advantage of this and sell it as the legit 14k Hau that was given away via contest, on ebay or something?


If something such as this exists on the internet, it will be exploited.

That’s just logic.


@ToaVuhii agreed


I’m just sitting here wondering if someone has done it yet.


If they had, we’d probably have heard about it by now.


Really? I haven’t heard/seen anything about the 14k Hau themselves in months, before I thought about this.

If I had the money I would buy it and keep it :stuck_out_tongue:

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even though it’s a replica???

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Why not? :}

Honestly I don’t care whether it’s authentic or not if it’s solid gold and fits on a mata head I’ll use it.


Alright, alright. I’m pretty sure I have a couple thousand in my bank account. I’ll report back with more info once I get the 14k Hau from Shapeways. Then I’ll sell it for 7,000$ on ebay easy.

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I’m thinking about buying it in purple plastic :stuck_out_tongue:

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Personally I wouldn’t bother buying it even if you had the money, as if they tried to scam people the design of the Hau might also be faulty, a different scale or simply not have any friction to allow it to fit to a head

It shows a pic of the mask attached to Tahu and it doesn’t look like it’s going to fall of.
Also why would Mingels (The designer of the mask) Make a faulty mask when (If I am correct) Shape ways gets most if not all the money? Also he probably made it for him self so he wouldn’t intentionally screw him self over.

The Platinum Pakari is more.

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Dang, forgot about the platinum version of the Hau.

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while yes, you could try to pass it off as the original gold mask, I don’t anyone wants to put down the cash for it, because if you don’t get a buyer lined up, you’re out a lot of money.

This is made by the guy who did the original CUSSOO zelda project.



Possible, but unlikely. The initial investment is too high. There’s no guarantee anyone will purchase it, and considering that you’re spending nearly $2,000 on it before resale, the potential risk of no one buying it on eBay will probably be enough to deter most people.