3D Printed Chain Lightning Bohrok Shield

Hey again! I’ve a 3D-Model of a Chain Lightning Bohrok Shield! I know Chain Lightning Bohrok don’t exist in canon, but Chain lightning is awesome and so are Bohrok, so why not? I made this using sketchup, based on a sketch that my friend [Katuko][1] made.

So what do you guys think? does it look like a Chain Lightning tool? Does it cool? Could anything be done better?
Any feedback is appreciated feedback! ^^

If anyone want the 3D file for this, it can be downloaded [Here!][2]
If anyone uses this 3D model for something, please let me know! ^^

EDIT: Slight error on the 3D file, fixed now, with new download link.

UPDATE: This is now 3D printed, what do you think?

[1]: TtvPodcast.com is for sale | HugeDomains
[2]: Dropbox - Chain Bohrok Shield.stl - Simplify your life


looks awesome! you have quite the skill for 3D modeling.


No complaints. This is pretty cool.

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Now to 3D-print the piece.


Thank you! ^^

I really want to print it, but I don’t really have a 3D printer avaliable at the moment. I might have soon tough, I hope


well when you get a Printer
remember to model the axle on

just wasn’t visible from the angle of the photos :wink:


This Is Amazing
but could you try and do Karzahnis mask one time

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I can totally see this as an official piece, great job :slight_smile:


The pin
is wrong
how would it attach
and not look odd?

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@Whaddon - Thanks, but making Karzahnis mask is way out of my leauge. Also, I know someone, somewhere already made a really good model of it.

@CarumSarene - Thank you, appreciate it! ^^

@CupHead5998 - Can you please exlpain what’s wrong? I’d very much like to know

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i see only one pin
in the middle of the shield
is there a hidden one or something?

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@CupHead5998 - There are two pin holes, and one axle where it should be. I really don’t understand what you mean?

@DG_Eddie - I linked to the 3D file, can’t give you much more than that :wink:

If we ever gonna get this 3D printed, I’d love a yellow one. :smile:

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This looks great. Nice job

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I wonder how a Bohrok-Va of chain lightening would look like

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This pretty cool man.

I want to see a video game made about this.

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Looks pretty cool, I would love seeing this on an official set.

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This is cool. I want one.
(Well, two, but you get the idea)

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