Have you seen this?

This would’ve been a pretty good movie.

Shame it got cancelled, really.


I remember reading this before on your old BZPower blog.
Nice to have it posted in another location, though. The first was written up way back in 2009, and involved a fair amount of digging to find again, so this topic should be slightly easier to get to. Thanks, Greg!


Such a cool story and a answer for the giant rahkshi limbs in the background of the 09 titans
Could we have gotten EL sets?


Nice! Yeah, I technically had seen this before, but it was something like 5 years ago (or more) on BZPower, well in advance of the date that I signed up as a member. Thank you for posting this; not sure if we could get it pinned by a fellow who =has the authority to do that.

The extent to which G1 could have continued on Bara Magna has always fascinated me; I’ve felt for quite some time that the 2009 arc stands as the greatest well of unfulfilled potential in Bionicle’s hostory; more than Mahri Nui, more than the entirety of G2. As it were, I loved Legends of Bara Magna and am certainly glad to see this once again.



You did indeed post this on BZP, but good to have somewhere else.


This is really cool, it’s a shame that we never got to see it, it seems a lot more interesting than the limited 2010 story and also a bit better than the Legend Reborn. I like how the Skrall isn’t generically evil and we get to see some of the lore behind the Great Beings


I had hopes to do a lot with the GBs if the story continued. It was a big part of the original story that had been unexplored, and since there was nothing on them in the original story bibles, we were free to go whatever direction we wanted. I think what would have probably happened is Velika’s plan would have failed, the GBs would have left Spherus Magna somehow, and the Agori and Matoran would have been left to build a society of their own. Of course, there would have been all sorts of half-finished GB experiments laying around that would have caused problems later and probably some twists about their true role in things.


Dang, that sounds awesome.


Oh my gosh what a massive influx of potential story content. Awesome stuff.


A dinosaur were shown once in a comic panel, depicting Bota Magna. I can’t remember which comic this is from though.


I knew it, I knew I had seen it

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It’s from Legends of Bara Magna, that final anthology graphic novel that Papercutz put out. All Our Sins Remembered, if my memory is up to snuff. Loved that one. :slight_smile:



I don’t know if you’ve answered this before, but do you think it’s at all possible that, at some point in the future when you have more free time, we’ll see some creative writing from you on where you would’ve taken the story? Or any new story content from you?


Hi - I cannot write anything for BIONICLE without permission from LEGO Company, and somebody there would have to approve it. Since the line is inactive, I can’t see them wanting to devote the resources to do approvals.


Uh, I don’t know if you noticed, but we already got the answer for what was with the giant limbs in The Legend Reborn. It’s the robot used by Mata Nui to fight the Teridax-controlled Matoran Universe in the 2010 story. If you haven’t, I’d recommend you go look up something called the “Mata Nui Saga,” which covers the main story of 2010.


I believe he was an actual earth tribe member, stranded from the rest of his kind, who resided on Bota Magna

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Wow, this is really cool! What a shame that we never saw it in action. At least we do have it here. By the way, was Tera the representative for rock or sand? Just curious as that part was vague.

(Reposted because I didn’t tag Greg. Whoops.)

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Yeah, as Styrofoam said, Earth. However, at the time this was written, that was a place holder for the plagued tribe, which ended up being the Iron Tribe. Though I don’t know if this was also supposed to be the Sand Tribe aswell.

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you could write it as fan-fic, can’t you? like the half life episode 3 story?


To be clear, “earth” was originally going to be the name of the plague tribe. Then Lego/Greg decided to go with iron instead. However, later on Greg decided to also make a Earth tribe, completely separate from the one mentioned here. So technically Tera would have been a member of the Iron Tribe.
