A dumb anime robot thingy

So, I built a shield, and then I was like, “why don’t I insult all the people on here who like anime for some reason,” and then I did a thing.

S-so here’s the thing.

I dunno, I wanted to screw around with the focus settings on my phone.

Plain pose

Another dumb focus thing with my phone

His shield. Meant to be kinda like reinhardt’s shield in that it expands n stuffs

Dumb posing

“A close-up you jerk, a close up!”

Dumb posing AND focus stuffs

I don’t even know. Dumb focus stuffs

Just a normal back shot.

And of course, just to continue my thing with ghosty, a beautiful rendition of the pelvic thrust.

I feel that the comic sans really adds to the already horrible pose.

So whaddaya think? I wanted to make a dumb looking anime gundam thingie or whatever you call it because that’s what everyone likes these days for some stupid reason :> So I just ripped off the wings of Uxar and did a thing.


Love the colour scheme and the overall silhouette!

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Color scheme is pretty bland, but danke anyways

Uuh… y-you too


It’s not boring enough to be a Gundam Mobile Suit :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s pretty neat, I think a little more trans green “lights” would be neat.


Are you saying try the green studs? I do in fact have a bunch, but I’ve tried putting them in places. Nothing looks all that good.

Pretty cool! The colour scheme is very Rocka, but it works here, too. I especially like the shield.

i really like this model, but i like the shield the most, it reminds me of the shield from the Cyclone Defender or the Blade Titan from Exo-Force.

This moc is awesome! I love the look of the shield, with the hero factory bits on it.

Danke. Yeah, I noticed that it was a rocka-esque color scheme after I built it, because I tried to remember what those shield parts were. Also, danke


Uuh… huh. Lemme go look that up… aaand… yeah. I kinda see it.


Dang, everyone likes the shield the most. Funny enough, I built the shield last second because I thought he didn’t really have enough.

The shoulders are a bit wide, but I like it.

I don’t really see the anime part of it…

It needs to either have more legs, or a face in it’s chest. Or, if you want full anime, a pelvic thrust.

That was intentional, but thanks.

It’s not that apparent, but I saw no other way to describe it.

But I suck at making original leg designs… I made one, and then just milked the crap outta that one.

Did you
di -
did you not see the
the picture?

m8, I did the anime pelvic thrust AND MORE.

Or maybe a giant sword, that’s three times his size.

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I did. I guess it didn’t click or something. but then again, that’s just him trying to act cool.

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But… that would require effort and stuff…

Es aight m8

o dang

Get out your pumpkin spice freeze-rays, things are getting heated

Please tell me that was a joke. :disappointed:

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I love the color scheme, especially on the shield and wings, but I think there’s too much gold on him.

Why would I ever joke. I don’t even know what a joke is.

Yeh, I got alot of gold. And I try to get rid of it. I am, however, trying to incorporate a different color in there. Maybe more gray… I dunno.

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Now I’m just confused. :disappointed_relieved: