A Group Photo with ALL of my mocs - Happy Bionicle Day!

Ahoy everyone! Some of you may recall that a tradition of mine on Bionicle Day is to take a massive group photo with all my mocs. Naturally, I’m continuing this tradition for Bionicle Day 2023!

Ask any questions you might have about my collection! I’m an open book. Or just feel free to stare in awe lol


This boy is so fresh. The build, color scheme, mask choice, it’s all lining up for me

I also appreciate that you’ve built a structure at this point to house the photo-op


Ah yes, I’m a big fan of how she came out too! She’ll be making an appearance in the next installment of my story The Mountain if you’re interested.


A vast and glorious photo of a vast and glorious MOC portfolio. The sheer density of colorful-ness makes me unreasonably happy.

Also, excellent hat. =P

I do have a question: in the sixth, seventh, and eighth pictures, is that an Ultra Buff Hakann revamp towards the back, or an original character who happens to have stolen Hakann’s spine? (I mean, it might be stolen. I don’t know. The spine market is flying these days.)

Also, that black Visorak-shell-headed being on the right in the sixth picture is sweet, I’d like to see that one up close.


Not-Hakann is an original character called Mariz, a female Fire Skakdi who works as a law enforcer for the Kingdom of Zakaz.

Mr. Visorak Head is a character called Arc, who has his own post here. However, the pictures there are outdated (I’ve upgraded the moc since making that post) and I can definitely do better with the write-up, so I’ll likely be reposting him in the future.