After the inhabitants of the Matoran Universe moved to Spherus Magna, the Order of Mata Nui chose 9 Matoran to become Toa in order to have a new, consolidated, and more organized Toa team in addition to the other Toa on the planet. These Toa are: Aft, Tuuli, Idris, Jaatikko, Gadjati, Podu, Quaza, Vohon, and Droton.
Aft, Toa of fire
Kanohi: Hau, mask of shielding
Tuuli, Toa of air
Kanohi: Miru, mask of levitation
Idris, Toa of water
Kanohi- Rokreng, mask of biomechanics
Jaatikko, Toa of ice
Kanohi- Ketar, mask of erasure (immoral)
Gadjati, Toa of stone
Kanohi- Pakari, mask of strength
Podu, Toa of stone
Kanohi- Kiril, mask of regeneration
Quaza- Toa of sound
Kanohi- Terak, mask of rebounding
Vohon- Toa of plasma
Kanohi- Korusca, mask of emulation
Droton- Toa of shadow
Kanohi- Shelek, mask of silence (immoral)