A TTV Boards Story: signups

Ghid what this isn’t the rp category what do you mean signups

Well, it’s like this
-I write a wacky story
-you get to be a character if you want
-unless I don’t want to include you at my discretion
-if you want to be portrayed a certain way tell me otherwise I have free reign
-I still have free reign even if you do hehe
-also I have the right to make you die in real life the story and it’ll likely end up happening so like, uh
-be aware I guess

Alright signups time

Maximum of probably fifteen people, I might do another in the future which would be a proper sequel but we’ll see
Absolutely nobody is getting drafted and you cannot ask for inclusion on someone else’s behalf no matter the circumstances
Oh and once you sign up no takesies backsies

The frozen chosen:

@Chronicler (stinky)

I’ll give this like a week or so before I begin and I’ll get a one day left warning post out before the first chapter yadda yadda lets go

EDIT: Ok big rule you have to specify your gender I don’t want to get tangled up in that mess
EDIT EDIT: If you don’t I will assume you are a guy, don’t blame me you signed up for this story and also didn’t provide me with any info
EDIT EDIT EDIT: reiterating if you are not in I decided to not include you for whatever reason which I don’t have to disclose


your description gives zero insight into what this is but I’m down.

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I write story you can be in story also you will die maybe

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mhm. and you can portray me however you like or do I have to specify?

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well like I’m not going to turn you into a condescending jerk or some kind of animal or something

any and all specification would be most helpful because the more I have to work with the better

also I said all of this


nihilistic narcissist that’s scared of cushions


You need to include me because I’m great.

@Ghid portray me how anyone except for you would describe me.


if you’re serious then that’s what I’ll use

also welcome cordax

that’s tough

see I and others hold similar opinions


yes of course.


fine, portray me how I actually act.

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But why would he include you when @Cordax is so much better?

That’s because people are too scared to disagree with you.

so, a petulant child who doesn’t realize how annoying he is?
Wait, sorry, got you confused with my uncle.

Oh, but I am. (Yes I know this wasn’t directed at me but I’m going to pretend it is). I’m actually curious how someone on the boards would describe me, now that I’ve been fairly active for a while.


so do you want in or no

EDIT: updated the rules

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Oh I also need to be broke.

@Ghid Male

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then you and @Winger gon need to specify

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@Racie02 What is going on with your profile? Not the picture, like everything else.

EDIT: Ok I found the option on how to do that.

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@Ghid je suis un garçon.


A chair/10

Edit: whoops this was meant to go in the rate the bio topic

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i guess