A TTV Fighting Game?

That would be a cool idea, in fact I’ve thought about it myself a couple times.

My character would be my self MOC, Stoax

Stonewall: Defensive

Character slams foot on ground, wall of stone juts from the ground. Opponent cannot attack.

Telekinesis: Offensive
Given he wears the Matatu, Stoax will be able to raise large slabs of the ground with the power of his mind then slam them down on the opponent. The amount of time he can hold it is limited though.

Parry: Defensive
Character uses pick to block incoming hits

Tomarang (combination of tomahawk and boomerang): Offensive
Character hurls Giga Pick in tomahawk like fashion, hitting chosen opponent(s). Weapon then returns in boomerang fashion

Plasma streak: Offensive
Via the Giga Pick, Stoax can build up energy over time. Once enough energy is stored, the axe is swung and several waves of energy are released (kinda like the Egg Emperor in Sonic Heroes)

Boulder to da face: Offensive
Using stone powers, Stoax will collect a mass of rocks to form a massive boulder. Stoax will then toss it in the air, jump, and kick the boulder soccer style.

You’re pretty good: Offensive
Stoax will say the famous Revolver Ocelot quote and do the hand gesture. While doing so, 12 shots will be fired from his hands.

Theme: Prelude from Red vs Blue

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My character would be weak and anybody who picked him would be a scrub.


[quote=“Darth.Ben.Ben, post:1, topic:17556”]
If you think it’s would be cool post your character attack move
[/quote]I build MOCs and i make them fight for me.



How fights against me will go in a Nutshell


I’ve always wanted to program a video game, but since I kind of suck at drawing and pixel art, I only came up with mechanics in my head. It would be awesome to help program something like what you suggested.

My character would have metal control powers (to create various small to medium sized weapons) enhanced by bursts of electrical attacks.

Height: Average

Speed: Fast

Because you gotta go fast

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Height: Matoran Height
Upward special: shoots upward with cutlass drawn
Down special: takes a light stone out of his satchel and it shines stunning anyone in it’s aura
Side special: Rolls to the side then strikes out with his cutlass
Neutral special: pulls out his journal and writes something in it regaining a small amount of health.
Dash attack: Dashes forward and strikes with his cutlass.
Taunt: takes a sip from a cup of tea.
Regular attacks are various stabs and slashes.
Theme: something similar to nate’s theme from Uncharted2

Sorry, I’m more of a 2D game dev…not even really, I haven’t done that much. Game design? Concept? Maybe.

But I like this idea. If people on the Boards had characters that’d be a massive roster.

My character would be my self-MOC, Ghar. I would like to have Mortal Kombat’s controls, but that’s a lot of combos to make up, and I don’t have the time. I’m going to go with @Gwideon’s Smash moves list instead:
Height: Medium-Tall, slightly larger than a Toa
Up Special: Rocket jump w/explosive Quakebow bolt
Down Special: Temporary attack boost (Pakari)
Side Special: Flip kick forward + earth shockwave
Neutral Special: Shoots Quakebow
Dash Attack: 360 Kick
Taunt: Quake appears next to him while he flips and loads a Quakebow bolt
Regular Attacks: Punches and kicks amplified with earth power and bashing with Quakebow
Grab Throws: Shoots with Quakebow
Theme: Crossing Field by LiSA

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MUGEN and Sprites

That’s all we need
And we’re set

######actually probably not but I can dream


What’s that game that lets you create custom wrestling models? A little tweaking and we can have our own brawl of the boards.

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There’s the WWE games, but that’s about it. I have the most recent one I think…

I might as well make my character, based off of my self-MOC, Kaligix.
Height: Nidhiki-level
Up Special: Charges electrical blast, can be stored for up to 10 seconds
Down Special: Uses powers over gravity to sink the opponent into the ground
Side Special: Lets a random beast lunge out of a portal from the chasm which lunges forward and then retracts into the portal
Neutral Special: Clubs with tail
Dash Attack: Teleports forward and knocks opponent into the air
Taunt: Sharpens his axe and twirls it around
Regular Attacks: Hacks and slashes with his axe and claws
Grab Throws: Self-explanatory. Grab and throw

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My character would probably be my Self-MoC (unoriginality on fleek), Vivel-0RR37.

Up-Special: Krowon carries 37 upward.
Down-Special: A counter.
Side-Special: Similar to Ike’s Quick Draw.
Neutral-Special: Creates a shockwave by slamming his sword, Cerebellum, into the ground.
Dash Attack: Horizontal slash with his Cerebellum.
Reqular Attacks: Punches and sword swings.
Grabs and Throws: Throws fools with his raw strength.
Theme: Unfinished Battle (Xenoblade Chronicles)

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I’m not gonna get too much into details, but just know the only way to play my character properly is with the power glove.


A typical fighting game of the sort we are talking about is what they call “pseudo-3D” because codewise they are still just 2D games yet the graphics imitate a 3D appearance.


Well actually if we can find a programmer, and some one who can make an advertise thing, and any one else we might need then would could probably work with this (Sprites should be easy to learn how to make).

Lucky me I’m in a game dev class right now. (No commitments yet though).

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This may actually be a thing in a couple of years.

This would be so cool !

someone should get started on the pixel art / 3D modeling !

I’ll start the 3d modeling if some one is willing to program them for this. But be warned I’m still learning how to do all of this. Then again by the time this ever becomes a thing i will be an expert at 3D modeling.