Long ago, in a time immemorial, The Multiverse was ruled by Five great and powerful races, whose duties were meant to maintain the balance of the cosmic scales. However, the alliance has been crumbled by a great betrayal, and the balance has shifted.
By this point, The Council of Life has been at war with The Xir’algath for the last 100 years, locked in a violent bloody conflict. However, yet another enemy is beginning to surface against the angels, an enemy from within; Demons, fallen angels. The Council of Life is losing numbers of their own to a vile corruption generated by one of their most once-trusted members, which has transformed the angels into monstrous demonic entities. Now, brothers are forced to wage war not only against The Xir’algath but amongst themselves as well. Will the Angels prevail, and purge the darkness with their light? Or will they themselves fall victim to the corruption, joining the ranks of their demonic ilk?
This RP is the farthest back prequel on the timeline of The Mctoran-Verse, and it has been co-developed with the help of @MichaelBT-7474, who has also chosen to help control some of my characters as well. This RP is set at the height of the first war between The Council of Life and The Xir’algath. However, this is not about that. As you can read in the title, it’s all about the war between the angels and demons, which had occurred simultaneously to the Angel-Xir’algath war in the lore of The Mctoran-Verse. The Xir’algath, and all the other Multiversal races besides the Council of Life for that matter, will not have precedence in this RP, only existing in the background of the story. So while certain beings and events may be referenced or cameoed, they cannot actually make appearances in this RP as full characters.
Before participating in this RP, it is Required that you carefully read the below Wiki articles:
(However, the “History” sections of the articles are optional)
They contain all the necessary information about the Angels and Demons as both races and cultures, as well as their biological information. It is much simpler and easier for you to just read these on the wiki, rather than me having to long-windedly reiterate all their info here.
Angels and Demons only
That being said, the only types of characters that will be in this RP are Angels and Angelic beings, and Demons and demonic beings; The difference being that Angelic and Demonic beings are not “true” Angels or Demons, instead being synthetic versions which emulate the qualities and traits of Angels or Demons, and/or are affiliated with Angels or Demons.
Respect and obey The GM
I am the GM of this RP. I run the RP and decide its ultimate outcome. I could promote someone to co-GM and just as easily fire them, or shut down the whole RP on a whim.
I, like all GMs, wield the same power and authority of site Moderators, and I expect to be treated and respected like a moderator. So know my power, and consider what I am capable of before committing any misconduct.
Respect and obey The GM’s story and lore
This is an extension of the above rule.
I am the GM who created this RP and designed its concept. I designed most of its lore, and this is my Universe and story in which you are playing. That means that there are certain boundaries lore-wise that you cannot cross. It could be anything, and I don’t have to give a complicated explanation as to why I don’t want you to do something that may change my lore. Just know that it contradicts what has already been established or is being planned, and respect that my wishes.
I would always prefer if you would first approach me in private about making certain decisions in the RP that may affect the story or lore, before actually implementing it. It would make things much more smoother, and I could even help to rework your idea into something better-fitting. It would be much better than you just flat out revealing an earth-shattering revelation or performing some grand event that goes against my plans, and then me having to make you retcon or change it.
Respect the Story and Lore of other Players
This rule is pretty much the exact same as the above one, except it applies to the lore and story of other players that has already been preestablished in my universe.
No OP or Ridiculously powerful characters.
While the characters themselves may be very powerful beings in general, I will not allow a character that is blatantly unfairly more powerful than most other characters (except for my own of course). Be creative, but no OP characters. you don’t need them to be creative or unique. I’m sure there are plenty of ideas to choose from up there in that brain of yours. Just create something that you’ll have fun with, but not at the expense of other players’ enjoyment.
No Autohitting, Autododging, No-Selling or Metagaming.
This speaks for itself.
Follow Basic, Common Logic.
Just because I may not include everything that is/isn’t allowed in the RP, it doesn’t mean that you should exploit the loopholes. I’m not stupid. So if I don’t say “dont control characters that don’t belong to you without permission”, it doesn’t mean that you can. Do what you think is morally right, respectful and within the proper boundaries.
Respect others.
This rule is the most obvious and self-explanatory one, but it must be reiterated for the sake of certainty:
Do not disrespect, insult or argue with others. If you feel there is a problem with another player, talk to me in a private PM so that it can be properly dealt with.
Species:(This is where the “Order” of the character is listed. Which Angelic or Demonic Order do they belong to? If the character is a demon, they have to be an angel at first at the beginning of the RP, before they are transformed. But don’t worry about that, because they won’t remain Angels for very long. If the character is angelic or demonic rather than being a true angel or demon, than they will instead just be listed as “Angelic being” or “Demonic being”, without an Order.)
Powers and Abilities:
Equipment and Weapons:
Appearance:(A written description or image of the character)
Bio:(This is where the character’s prior history is accounted, as well as their current circumstances at the beginning of their RP)
Accepted characters:
“Trailer music” for the RP: