First of all, I would like to say that this MoC is very fantastic, and I by no means want to diminish the work you’ve put into creating it. Your submission is well-crafted, and your entry post equally so, as you’ve clearly put a lot of thought into many aspects of the MoC and how it can be adapted into artwork to work within canon constraints. However, I would like to remind you of this section of the rules:
Your MoC uses three shades of green, between the two transparent shades and the Metru green. The only exception for multiple shades of green, as stated in our rules, is if sand green is included as one of two shades. I’m curious if you also have an explanation for this at all, or another perspective you would like to share that may change on our minds on the matter; if not, we’ll unfortunately have to disqualify the MoC.
Thanks once again for your participation and creativity! We really appreciate it.