Artakha, the guy that makes the stuff (Canon Contest #2: Meet the Maker)

f (I needed more characters)

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Entries must be about 60% outwardly green right? This looks like 30% at most.

Yeah I’m a bit biased. I don’t believe any moc using ccbs, no matter how impressive, belongs in G1. And it is an impressive creation. But the rules are the rules.

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There are exactly 2 CCBS pieces on this moc.

The 60% suggestion is merely a suggestion. Not a rule.


First, to my understanding, the 60% thing is a guideline, not a rule - it is encouraged, but not mandated.

Second, why on earth would CCBS pieces be grounds for disqualification for G1? There are plenty of MOCs with relatively smooth areas.

edit: and as Pylon mentioned, there are literally only two pieces of CCBS.


I never said CCBS should be grounds for disqualification. Totally within the established rules. It just ain’t for me.


It said, and I quote:

As such, your Artakha should:

And then listed under is the 60% green guideline but then goes on to say:

However, your Artakha must:

Where it lists the one shade rule and others.


I really love this design. So it’s got my vote. Now I wanna see what your take on Karzanhi would be to match your Artakha.


It’s over. You bloody win, m8. After seeing you ragdoll the MOC on YouTube, I knew this one would get my vote. Kudos, you madman.


Cor blimey

This is pretty good


Absolutely phenomenal build. My only real concern here, are the pieces painted in colors they don’t already exist in. Correct me if I’m wrong, but there are definitely some suspect gold pieces that I don’t think lego made in gold, especially chrome gold at that. I only bring this up because it might be an issue with having this qualify. I’d like to reiterate, I’m not 100% certain there are any problems with that.


Yes, for example the Technic Axle Connectors used on the upper thighs do not exist in any shades of gold, but have been painted gold here.

The rules allow painted pieces, so that isn’t a barrier to qualification.

It’s worth pointing out that all the gold pieces on this build have been painted. It’s a shame the creator didn’t mention that in the description or when asked about painted pieces, because the shade of gold paint used isn’t pearl gold and can’t be reproduced with unmodified LEGO pieces.

I have a feeling purists wouldn’t be happy to know that all instances of the accent colour came out of a can, rather than being an official shade.

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I saw it the moment it was reveal and I knew this is the one. The thing is, as a MOCist I know those details will frequently fall apart, especially if you are someone who like to pose. I don’t care about the huge amount of painted pieces, that’s something I did in the past and the rule allow it, but I can understand the controversy around this decision. The funny thing is that the characters itself wasn’t enough to convince me but the hammer, oh the hammer, that’s really something xD

Edit: I watched the video and forget about it, the greebling doesn’t fall apart, this is perfect. Also this proves you can make a cool Moc with multiple colors and still be a great design (Do you get the point TTV staff? ¬¬)


I like how the weapon transforms. Nice work. Question: are the pieces of hammer stored somewhere on the moc?


Unfortunately no.

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This is absolutely fantastic! The only thing letting it down in my eyes is that I think it should have more green but that’s it.

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I’d seen this MOC before, and I was blown away. But after having so many other Artakha MOCs flood my head, I’d forgotten just how amazing this one was, and seeing it again, I was once again blown away.

It’s super detailed, it’s super articulated, it’s exceptionally well-shaped, and it checks off just about every detail in the character description perfectly… except for the sand green part.

Judging by the winning entry of the Helryx art contest, the art half of this contest could recolor a few bits here and there, but as it is, this is really stretching what it means to be sand-green.

And yet… I almost don’t care. The MOC excels in pretty much every other aspect so much, that I think I’m still going to vote for it as my top choice in Poll Two.

And wow, that hammer is surely the definitive rendition of it. The transformation feature is really cool, and on top of that, the hammer looks really good in both forms. It also acts as a sort of play feature, and I love to see people incorporate those into their MOCs.

The greebling on this MOC really gives off an ornate feel, and I suppose they could be interpreted as the “runes” on his armor. Somehow, you’ve managed to combine dark gray, sand green, silver, gold, and light blue all into the same MOC, and make it not only work, but look amazing.

What more can I say? This MOC is beautiful!


This is stunning. This build stands on it’s own as art, but also as a depiction of Artakha. It’s not as green as I would like, but that’s such a minor complaint looking at the mastery of technique that’s gone into portraying the character.

I could complement so many aspects of this MoC. An awesome build.


Great work on this build! :+1:


Yes, I really hope this goes on to win!:+1:


I appreciate that dude, I certainly hope for the best~